We are His posession, his pride and his heart! THE PROPHETIC FIRST DAY OF CREATION The first day (24hrs) of Creation foretold of Earth's first millennium. He will immediately send the Holy Spirit and once you receive it, you can NEVER lose your salvation it is a free gift of grace! Ive studied and written about Bible prophecy since I was a teenager. Israeli Independence Day. Hashana is also the name of the first day of Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. If Jesus were to return on the 9th of Av, redeeming that day, in 2028 that would be August 1, 2028. Maybe God intends to eliminate that poison from them, He could or maybe its part of the wrath they must endure. Start of month of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar. 3. Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year - InfoPlease THIS is the time during AD 2028 (Earths 6,000 year) when Jesus Christ will rapturously return to planet Earth! This will be the holy home of Jesus on earth so it is to be raised up physically which gives glory to Jesus. 3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. We are right in the middle of Dr. Awes August watch dates. DO NOT DESPISE PROPHECY - TEST ALL THINGS (I Thes 5:19-21), Ontario, CAN In early 2010, Gabriel Ansley Erb prayed to the Lord in earnest that He would please send someone to help him with the online work of this ministry. And what laws will there be? We did have some discussion about the Ezekiel attack may be 9-11. Select the file that matches your computer's date format: Step-by-step: CSV for Outlook for Windows. And what is the result? The Mystery of the Feast of Trumpets - YouTube Some Bible prophecy commentators believe that key end time events will take place during the Jewish fall feasts. and MaxMind, also licensed under Creative Commons. It is Jesus coming down on his white horse establishing his kingdom on earth! Whether it is Av or Elul starting the 8th, August is very hopeful! thats if. Yes, that doesnt look right. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. 2. Jewish New Year. Perhaps we should toss a coin 777 times?! Feast of Trumpets Kingdom Preppers Simply put, when you read the old testament, you should be reading every verse with Jesus in mind. Feast of Tabernacles, or of the Ingathering. The name of the Feast of Trumpets is . So adding 80 to 1948 is 2028, the year for all things to be fulfilled then minus 7 years brings us to 2021. I think what happens here is that a lot of people came to Christ during Gods wrath period and now they are revolting over their oppressors once they have seen Jesus come back. Ive heard the term of redeeming the day. Im praying it stays south of us and we miss the eye. In Revelation Chapter 20, we see what happens to Satan. Bump.I like to keep the list of watch days close. 2021-2022 Rapture Shemetah Alignment - Rapture In The Air Now The Feast of Trumpets: background and fullfilment - Jews for Jesus Days start night before my date. Consider the sixth trumpet and its announcement of a 200-million-man army preparing for a battle that will kill a third of humanity ( Revelation 9:16-18 ). Yep, today would be a GREAT day for departure. from oct 30, 2021 add 2520 days is sep 23 2028. that is called Shabbat Shuva, the sabbath between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. 1. Hope to see yall soon. At least they are saved though. the church offering of thanks and praise while we are here? Verse 2 above supports verse 1. Or something like that. They are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or do any other activity that may cause them to break the fast. Prayers for forgiveness in preparation for the High Holidays. He gathers his men and trumpeters and walks to the Brides house, so around 0400 the Bride is awakened by the count of the coming trumpeters and the coming of the Bridegroom and gathers her Bridesmaids to meet them Bridegroom to be carried off to the wedding feast. Are you ready to meet Him?. This is of course Jesus heading down from heaven to do battle. The four letters of the name Elul are an acronym for the phrase in Song of Songs (6:3):Ani ledodi vedodi liI am my beloveds and my beloved is mine ; sounds like a good time for the rapture. I love your comment, TR. The story begins in verse 3 below. Jesus comes and lands on earth! Supercycle GREEN (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) That is a week from today; my next high watch date. This is not a damnation judgement but rather a rewarding judgement. The feast also marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, the festival of unleavened bread, which commemorates the sacrifice of a lamb on Mount Moriah by the prophet Elijah, who is said to have foretold the coming of Messiah and the restoration of all things. Once we get resurrected/raptured, we hang out in heaven for a 3 1/3 years at a wedding feast with Jesus as God pours out his wrath and righteous judgement on the unsaved people left on earth. My on Earth birthday is the 12th. Jewish Fall Feasts Dates & the End Times - Prophecy Proof mid trib would have to come either before winter or after. The Easiest Explanation. Or even in the year 2028? I am hoping we leave in the next week when Israel is celebrating FOT, but then maybe the covenant with many gets signed on Oct. 8 which may be the real FOT. The video about Elul being promising because they blow the trumpet every day of Elul except sabbaths and the day before Feast of Trumpets to confuse the enemy makes Elul just as exciting. We do know that 2/3 rds will be cut off and 1/3rd will survive. 5. Yom HaMishpacha, a day to honor the family unit, Commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Theodor Herzl, Commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Commemorates the life of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Commemorates the life and vision of Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, Recognizes Aliyah, immigration to the Jewish State of Israel. Yup, there wont be any devil heathens left on earth, Jesus rules! Verse 15 is yet another battle recap verse telling us what happened to the war beasts of the armies of the Antichrist. Here I will dive deeper using scripture and explain where in the bible these things occur. Many negotiating sessions would likely need to take place before all sides reach a deal they feel comfortable with. These are the calendar dates for Feast days of Believers in the Messiah(Israelites that follow the old Testament). The Feast of Trumpets introduces the autumn festivalsrepresenting the culmination of the present age of man and the beginning of an incredible time during which God will play a much more direct part in world events. We do not need to be educated about any other way. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah). Im sure a lot more will get saved and martyred during the Tribulation. (transliterated Sh'vat or Shevat) is the 11th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 days, and corresponds to January or February on the Gregorian calendar. The point being 5000 men plus women and children is probably around 20 30 thousand people. Everything You Need to Know About The Feast of Trumpets 2022 - Twenty They point out its interesting that its in all 4 gospels hence therefore very important. And he will rule with a rod of iron and demand all nations come and worship and keep the feast of the tabernacles. Theres no particular reason why the list covers 20 years except to give people who have different views on how close we are to the tribulation an idea of what dates these fall feasts will occur in the coming years. midtrib would have to be before Dec 21 or after Mar 19 (end of winter). Kislev () is the 9th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 or 29 days, and corresponds to November or December on the Gregorian calendar. 2028 END is part of 10 Love Commandments Ministries. Passover * April 10 (Monday) Second Passover * May 10 (Wednesday) Feast of Unleavened Bread April 11 to 17 (Tue. Bobejaan, this is a forum for those who believe in the pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. Stop denying it. Our Master is returning in 2028 around the Feast of Also called the Feast of Tabernacles, the seven-day holiday is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Hebrew: , shalosh regalim). Year, or a happy and healthy New Year, is what some people . The rapture should occur September 8th as the Feast of trumpets ends in Israel. Verse 3 is the same point in time/day as Revelation 19:11. They also believe other biblical events happened on this day. Shabbat of Prophecy/Shabbat of Vision. Rosh Hashanah - The Gap Between the Rapture and the Tribulation the calendar events and merge with your own calendar. Verse 16 gets us to the third Fall Feast, the feast of tabernacles! Lets put all this in to the following timeline chart, courtesy Pastor Steven Anderson (watch his video sermons if you are interested, you can google them and find them on you tube.) The above table suggests that we should pay the most attention to the time between late October and mid-November each year for the potential start of the 70th week of Daniel. Grand Supercycle BLUE [I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [a] [b] [c] The Countdown Clock is set for the Feast of Trumpets AD 2028, which is the time period when Christs return will be right at the doors (Matthew 24:33). Jesus comes back, defeats the Antichrist, Satan, and the False Prophet and immediately establishes his 1000-year kingdom on that same day. It is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. At midnight! 8And it shall come to pass in all the land, I heard one time the government considers you gay if you never married; that would make me and several of my friends gay and none of us are. It is believed that this is the only time that a human being can be cleansed of all of his or her sins and sins that have been committed in the past. Feast of Trumpets, is it not? I dont know. Trumpets are a sound of war. It just means they fought there too. Kippur is also known as the Day of Atonement. 1/3 of all Jews alive at the start of the Great Trib ? Minuette PINK (i) (ii)(iii) (iv) (v) (a) (b) (c) 1. Assembly of the Eighth Day. Hi! The Feast of Trumpets began on the first day (at the new moon) of the seventh month. heres from the thread Getting your hopes up. Armageddon & How Jesus Fulfills the 3 Fall Feasts (Zechariah 14) The Roman road way to salvation you can do it alone if you wish: The Romans Road to Salvation For the Gospel. Your donations go towards advertising, website hosting, registration, security and upkeep, printing, video production and more! Sometimes I feel like were seconds away and sometimes it feels like years. 8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. CSV is a legacy calendar file format for Outlook 97-2003. August 1, 2028 : Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) Tishri 1, 5789: September 21, 2028 : Fast of Gedaliah: Tishri 4, 5789: September 24, 2028 : Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Tishri 10, 5789: September 30, 2028 : Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Tishri 15-21, 5789: October 5-11, 2028 Verse 12 is a recap verse and explains how Jesus defeated the Antichrists armies. Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Feast of Trumpets, is a picture of the 'catching away' of the bride of Christ. Youll also get my latest articles and updates delivered to your inbox. And what tells us he is coming back on his horse? Thanks Blue! It commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. I put together this list of watch dates. It is already the 18th in Israel for Av 3 or Av 9, take your pick! The first four Spring feasts commanded by God in Leviticus 23, were fulfilled by Jesus at his first coming in the first century. This matches exactly what all the scriptures say will happen. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Though not yet feeling it! 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. After Jesus lands and defeats the armies, he starts to heal the land with the Holy Spirit which flows out of him always. Then when it came time to put it on DVD & Blu-ray, God revealed something STUNNING to Gabriel about the series He controlled! With 8 being new beginnings! The throne judgements may also be where the damned who made it still alive on earth, those who have the mark of the beast, are brought forth before Jesus and we slay them. Especially in light of the fourth seal, which I really do believe ties in. Thank you Blue for doing this! The 28th of Nov is Hannukah! The table below lists the start dates for the Jewish fall feasts of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkoth through the year 2040. Jewish Holidays, 2010-2030 (A.M. 5770-5791) - InfoPlease The Feast of Trumpets - What is it? - CompellingTruth.org below), How High Should Piano Keyboard Be? The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) is a yearly celebrated Holy Day known to the Jews as the Feast no man knows the day or hour since it cannot be confirmed until two witnesses in Jerusalem see the first sliver of the new moon. The language of the Jewish people is Yiddish, which is why you might hear people greet each other. It is observed by Jews and non-Jews alike, and is considered to be the most important of all Jewish holidays. Ok this is an important clue on what day it is. If He returns on a sabbath, He will be giving Israel rest from all her enemies on the day of rest. Yet He returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to save Israel alive and establish Gods kingdom, capitol city Jerusalem. Fast commemorating the destruction of the two Temples. The Countdown Clock is set for the Feast of Trumpets AD 2028, which is the time period when Christ's return will be "right at the doors" (Matthew 24:33). People were building shelters and bunkers, trying to escape the heat. Several events will begin to be brought about by the end of the 70th week of Daniel, including: Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Daniel 9:24). I think tomorrow is a great day for a Galilean wedding to our Galilean Bridegroom. Suffice to say any day is a good day for the Rapture! Therefore we can see in verse 11 above that men shall dwell in it. 4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. Bumping as some are mentioning 9.11.21 as a rapture watch date. 7. So, the Feast of Trumpets both implores God to accept Israel's repentance and reminds the Jewish people that they have entered into a binding covenant with God. The beast is the Antichrist. shall be divided in the midst = rapture at the midpoint of Daniels 70th week. He thinks the rapture is by 9/23-9/24. (sabbath is friday sundown to saturday sundown, so this 4/12 passover date begins at the end of a sabbath). I can be reached at daneric40 AT comcast.net. That was the whole purpose of the book, the rituals, the true historical stories, the deep symbolism in almost every verse, everything! Shabbat before Tish'a B'Av. Day of Celebrating the Torah. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. TYGreen shows that the Revelation 12:1 sign shows up in the sky on October 8. This doesnt mean that Judah was a good guy. "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'In the seventh month on the first of the month, you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. and the death of Jesus, who is said to have been crucified on Mount Calvary. He wouldnt have said that unless it was possible to avoid winter by the gracious answered prayer of God. Copyright 2023 Rapture In The Air Now|Developed by Richard G|Powered by WordPress, BBPress and BuddyPress, Just for fun / Laughter does the heart good, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/3/2023, This Monday to Tuesday, March 6-7 is Purim, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/2/2023, BREAKING: Iran Can Make Fissile Material for Nukes in About 12 Days, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 3/1/2023, Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines 2/28/2023, This topic has 70 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated. In ancient israel, the shofar was used to signal a gathering of people. As always we watch and be ready every day! beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. 6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: 7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. The entire point of the 7 feasts commanded by God in Leviticus 23 was pointing to Jesus fulfilling them all. Also spelled Rosh Hashanah. Called Eid al-Banat in Arabic, the holiday was most preserved in Tunisia. Thanks for your support. It is one of seven Jewish feasts or festivals appointed by the LORD and one of three feasts that occur in the autumn. What confuses most people is John says I saw the souls which makes you think this is in heaven. New Year for Trees. For more information, please read the Privacy Policy. So the bottom line, verses 1 and 2 is a chronological marker setting up the rest of the chapter. Home | About | Copyright 2008 - 2023 | Privacy | Contact. seek His face in this storm we are in. The entire old testament points to Jesus Christ. September 20-22, is the date range of the first fall feast of 2028, Feast of Trumpets. Since Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar (Leviticus 16:29-30 and 23:27-28) and a day of reconciliation, it would be fitting for the final atonement of sins and reconciliation for Jerusalem and the people of Israel to be brought about on the Day of Atonement at the end of the 70th week of Daniel. All the saved come down from heaven after him on our own white horses. I imagine that is how we will get around the earth in the millennium. Start of month of Adar on the Hebrew calendar. The Jewish New Year. Taking into account the written historical record and astronomical data, Mr. Ramsundar concludes Christ was crucified on Wed April 28, AD 28 (Learn Here). If the jab is a depopulation method, what are the prophetic implications for so many Israelis taking it? PERFECT NUMBERS Truly we are to continue working while it is still day time! It gives us details on the establishing of the 1000 year millennium and shows how Jesus will fulfill the 3 Fall feasts. Israeli Memorial Day. It is the time when the people of Israel celebrate their victory over the Babylonian exile and their return to the land of their forefathers. I was a little confused about the Creators Calendar, maybe someone will verify it? This is my best guess. Start of month of Sh'vat on the Hebrew calendar. That date is 85 days from today..and to get it together to have a covenant signed, with possibly the Ezekiel 38 war before that.tik tok tik tok..we are sooooo ready Lord!!! Verse 13 is another recap verse of battle day. 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Its a guess. Feast of Trumpets is Tshri 1 (7th Month - September or October - in the 7th month. Jesus terraforms the land around Jerusalem. Heads up warning please dont click on ANY links from BobeJaan . Is the Feast of Trumpets mentioned in the New Testament? Thus the fall feasts are fulfilled by Jesus Christ our glorious Lord and Savior! The Feast of Trumpets teaches us that Jesus Christ will visibly return to the earth at the end of this age. Which became the nation of Judah in biblical times. And note the verse tells us they were rich in great abundance and isnt that the truth that Judaism controls all the worlds monies? No, of course not he can come early and fulfill them. This was even more interesting to me as this chapter talks about the Gog Magog War which the nations seem currently lined up for. 12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. I like to blog about Elliott Waves. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means the "head of the year." It is also called the Feast of the Trumpets. Commemorates the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948. It is a feast that lasts multiple days. He often uses wicked armies to destroy other wicked people. Elul () is the 6th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to August or September on the Gregorian calendar. This is purely speculation according to the time in the Book of Ruth and according to Jewish custom may be way off but it is a prayer to be snatched away by our Bridegroom. We really cant be so sure. All else is simply rearranging the chairs on the Titanic!!! 2028 END YOUTUBE CHANNEL Nashville, TN In January 2021, Gabriel discovered shocking evidence that God has been using our "2028 END YouTube Channel" for the past 10 years (secretly, behind the scenes!) For example, in 1 Nephi 11:4, we read: And it came to pass that when they had heard the trump of God, they were exceedingly glad, and were filled with the spirit of joy; and they began to rejoice exceedingly (emphasis added).
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