OSHA may inspect the facilities of the third-party validation organization and any validating laboratory, and while there shall review any additional documentation underlying the application. NASD - Compacting and Baling Safety See paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section regarding manual feeding through interlocked press barrier devices. The areas covered by this set of standards include: 1910.251 Definitions. 1910.137 Electrical protective equipment. Hangers shall be inspected to make certain that all supporting bolts and screws are tight and that supports of hanger boxes are adjusted properly. Workers who operate and maintain machinery suffer approximately 18,000 amputations, lacerations, crushing injuries, abrasions, and over 800 deaths per year. Amendments and withdrawals. Ts = Longest press stopping time, in seconds, computed by taking averages of multiple measurements at each of three positions (45 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees) of crankshaft angular position; the longest of the three averages is the stopping time to use. (2) Guard design. (49) Single stroke means one complete stroke of the slide, usually initiated from a full open (or up) position, followed by closing (or down), and then a return to the full open position. OSHA Basics: OSHA's Part 1910 General Industry and Part 1926 b. (ii) A red color stop control shall be provided with the clutch/brake control system. ), (4) Cylindrical grinders. (i) All hammers shall be positioned or installed in such a manner that they remain on or are anchored to foundations sufficient to support them according to applicable engineering standards. (i) Pulleys shall be kept in proper alignment to prevent belts from running off. (61) Presence sensing device initiation means an operating mode of indirect manual initiation of a single stroke by a presence sensing device when it senses that work motions of the operator, related to feeding and/or removing parts, are completed and all parts of the operator's body or hand tools are safely clear of the point of operation. Analysis. (7) Nip-point belt and pulley guard means a device which encloses the pulley and is provided with rounded or rolled edge slots through which the belt passes. Overhead-rope and chain-drive guard construction shall conform to the rules for overhead-belt guard. (8) The practice of inserting wedges between the saw disk and the collar to form what is commonly known as a wobble saw shall not be permitted. The hood shall be constructed in such a manner and of such material that it will protect the operator from flying splinters and broken saw teeth. All sprocket wheels and chains shall be enclosed unless they are more than seven (7) feet above the floor or platform. 3. a. On the completion of such operations, the spreader shall be immediately replaced. The recognition of each validation organization will be valid for five years, unless terminated before or renewed after the expiration of the period. b. (50) Single stroke mechanism means an arrangement used on a full revolution clutch to limit the travel of the slide to one complete stroke at each engagement of the clutch. Personal protective equipment shall be used in grinding operations, and equipment shall be used and maintained in accordance with ANSI B7.1-1970, Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6, and with 1910.215. Where tools are used for feeding, removal of scrap, lubrication of parts, or removal of parts that stick on the die in PSDI operations: (A) The minimum diameter of the tool handle extension shall be greater than the minimum object sensitivity of the presence sensing device(s) used to initiate press strokes; or. 1/1.1 c. Function completion means for, electrical, electromechanical and electronic devices, when the circuit produces a change of state in the output element of the device. c. Demonstration that review has been made of the reports covering the design certification/validation, the installation certification/validation, and all recertification/revalidations, in order to detect any degradation to an unsafe condition, and that necessary changes have been made to restore the safety system to previous certification/validation levels. (3) All double-spindle shapers shall be provided with a spindle starting and stopping device for each spindle. Where belt shifters are not directly located over a machine or bench, the handles shall be cut off six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) (c) The safety distance (Dm) between the two hand trip and the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: Dm = minimum safety distance (inches); 63 inches/second = hand speed constant; Tm = the maximum time the press takes for the die closure after it has been tripped (seconds). The driving point of all friction drives when exposed to contact shall be guarded, all arm or spoke friction drives and all web friction drives with holes in the web shall be entirely enclosed, and all projecting belts on friction drives where exposed to contact shall be guarded. Grinding is always performed on rim face, W dimension. Subpart GOccupational Health and Environmental Control. (13) Control reliability. Installed at front and back of each mill having a 46-inch roll height or over. of this appendix or may request that the original application be submitted to the Assistant Secretary with a statement of reasons supplied by the applicant as to why the application should be approved. 1910.334 Use of equipment. The basement, tower, or room occupied by transmission equipment is locked against unauthorized entrance. Before proposing to revoke recognition, the Agency will notify the recognized validation organization of the basis of the proposed revocation and will allow rebuttal or correction of the alleged deficiencies. (6) Each operating treadle shall be covered by an inverted U-shaped metal guard, fastened to the floor, and of adequate size to prevent accidental tripping. 1910.213 Woodworking machinery requirements. (7) Driving flange. (1) Hazards to personnel associated with broken or falling machine components. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. The validation organization or the validating laboratory shall own a registered certification/validation mark or logo. (6) Where two or more workers are employed at the same time on the same power-driven guillotine veneer cutter equipped with two-hand control, the device shall be so arranged that each worker shall be required to use both hands simultaneously on the controls to start the cutting motion, and at least one hand on a control to complete the cut. (12) Upsetters (or forging machines, or headers) type of forging equipment, related to the mechanical press, in which the main forming energy is applied horizontally to the workpiece which is gripped and held by prior action of the dies. (15) Organic wheels means wheels which are bonded by means of an organic material such as resin, rubber, shellac, or other similar bonding agent. (v) All clutch/brake control electrical circuits shall be protected against the possibility of an accidental ground in the control circuit causing false operation of the press. Belt shifter and clutch handles shall be rounded and be located as far as possible from danger of accidental contact, but within easy reach of the operator. 1910.124 General requirements for dipping and coating operations. The various openings are such that for average size hands an operator's fingers won't reach the point of operation. 4. (i) Suspended counterbalanced tighteners and all parts thereof shall be of substantial construction and securely fastened; the bearings shall be securely capped. General. Consistency of braking action is enhanced by high brake torque. Conveyor Safety - HSI 1910.1012 Ethyleneimine. A safety trip control shall be provided in front and in back of each mill. (5) Excluded machinery. (c) A separate pull-out device shall be provided for each operator if more than one operator is used on a press. California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3999. Conveyors. If the supplemental guards are moved, the presence sensing device would become misaligned and the press control would be deactivated. 2. 1910.68 Manlifts. Means must be provided to prevent tightener from falling, in case the belt breaks. 1910.184 Slings. The back flange shall extend beyond the central hub or raised portion and contact the wheel to counteract the side pressure on the wheel in use. 1910.166-1910.168 [Reserved] (iv) If pedal counterweights are provided, the path of the travel of the weight shall be enclosed. The bottom of the guard shall come to within three-eighths inch of a plane formed by bottom or contact face of the feed roll where it touches the stock. single strand V-belts, the width of which is thirteen thirty-seconds (1332) inch or less. (1) All portions of the saw blade shall be enclosed or guarded, except for the working portion of the blade between the bottom of the guide rolls and the table. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on machines known as swing frame grinding machines shall not exceed 180, and the top half of the wheel shall be enclosed at all times. The certification/validation report shall be signed by the Administrative Director and the Technical Director. (ii) Under the directed component of the inspection program, the employer shall: (A) Inspect and test each press on a regular basis at least once a week to determine the condition of the clutch/brake mechanism, antirepeat feature, and single-stroke mechanism; (B) Perform and complete necessary maintenance or repair, or both, on the clutch/brake mechanism, antirepeat feature, and single-stroke mechanism before operating the press; and. The direction of the saw rotation shall be conspicuously marked on the hood. The guard shall automatically adjust itself to cover the unused portion of the head and shall remain in contact with the material at all times. For full revolution clutch presses with more than one engaging point, Tm shall be calculated as follows: Tm = [ 12 + (1 Number of engaging points per revolution)] time necessary to complete one revolution of the crankshaft (seconds). The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under A hearing will be granted to an objecting member of the public only if evidence of failure to meet the requirements of this appendix is supplied to OSHA. (B) The length of the hand tool shall be such as to ensure that the operator's hand will be detected for any safety distance required by the press set-ups. When flywheel extends into pit or is within 12 inches of floor, a standard toeboard shall also be provided; When the upper rim of flywheel protrudes through a working floor, it shall be entirely enclosed or surrounded by a guardrail and toeboard. (i) Overhead horizontal belts, with lower parts seven (7) feet or less from the floor or platform, shall be guarded on sides and bottom in accordance with paragraph (o)(3) of this section. 1910.1000 Air contaminants. (2) Cranks and connecting rods. In powerplants only the lower run of the belt need be guarded. 1910.132 General requirements. OSHA may revoke its recognition of a validation organization if its program either has failed to continue to satisfy the requirements of this appendix or its letter of recognition, has not been performing the validation functions required by the PSDI standard and appendix A, or has misrepresented itself in its applications. See Table O-10. If you need more than just a PowerPoint, be sure to hop over to . In the second stage, the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization validates or revalidates that the PSDI safety system installation meets the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A and the employer's certification, by reviewing that the PSDI safety system has been certified; the employer's certification, designs and tests, if any; the installation, operation, maintenance and training; and by performing any additional tests and reviews which the validation organization believes is necessary. The failure shall be indicated by the system. 1910.216 Mills and calenders in the rubber and plastics industries. In every case the sides of trough shall extend at least two (2) inches beyond the shafting or protuberance. In deriving the safety distance required in paragraph (h)(9)(v), all stopping time measurements should be made with clutch/brake air pressure regulated to the press manufacturer's recommended value for full clutch torque capability. All applications submitted will be accepted by OSHA, and their receipt acknowledged in writing. Vertical and inclined shafting seven (7) feet or less from floor or working platform, excepting maintenance runways, shall be enclosed with a stationary casing in accordance with requirements of paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. The bottom of the guard should come down to within three-eighths inch of a plane formed by the bottom or contact face of the feed roll where it touches the stock. Vertical and inclined belts (paragraphs (e) (3) and (4) of this section) if not more than two and one-half (2 12) inches wide and running at a speed of less than one thousand (1,000) feet per minute, and if free from metal lacings or fastenings may be guarded with a nip-point belt and pulley guard. All projecting keys, setscrews, and other projections in revolving parts shall be removed or made flush or guarded by metal cover. (g) Guarding friction drives. Where a disk is used, the keys or other dangerous projections not covered by disk shall be cut off or covered. b. (1) The upper hood shall completely enclose the upper portion of the blade down to a point that will include the end of the saw arbor. 14, 1988; 54 FR 24333, June 7, 1989; 61 FR 9240, Mar. (i) Die setting on presses used in the PSDI mode shall be performed in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (h) of this section. The validation organization representative shall witness at least one set of each of these tests. (14) Holdout or restraint device means a mechanism, including attachments for operator's hands, that when anchored and adjusted prevent the operator's hands from entering the point of operation. When more than one wheel is mounted between a single set of flanges, wheels may be cemented together or separated by specially designed spacers. The certifications are made to the validation organization. Based upon this determination, a scale shall be developed to indicate the allowable 10 percent of the stopping time at the top of the stroke for slide or ram overtravel due to brake wear. Tail rods or extension piston rods shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section, or by a guardrail on sides and end, with a clearance of not less than fifteen (15) nor more than twenty (20) inches when rod is fully extended. The safety attributes of a certified/validated PSDI safety system are more likely to be maintained if the quality of the system and its parts, components and subsystem is consistently controlled. (b) The control system shall be designed to permit an adjustment which will require concurrent pressure from both hands during the die closing portion of the stroke. (b) Being a single control protected against accidental actuation and so located that the worker cannot reach into the point of operation while operating the single control. 1910.27 Scaffolds and rope descent systems. If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. Overhead rope drive and block and roller-chain-drive guards shall be not less than six (6) inches wider than the drive on each side. (3) For the Textile Industry, because of the presence of excessive deposits of lint, which constitute a serious fire hazard, the sides and face sections only of nip-point belt and pulley guards are required, provided the guard shall extend at least six (6) inches beyond the rim of the pulley on the in-running and off-running sides of the belt and at least two (2) inches away from the rim and face of the pulley in all other directions. a. The guard shall prevent opening of the interlocked section and reaching into the point of operation prior to die closure or prior to the cessation of slide motion. Content of application. An application may be withdrawn by an applicant, without prejudice, at any time prior to the final decision by the Assistant Secretary in paragraph I.B.8.b. Wherever flywheels are above working areas, guards shall be installed having sufficient strength to hold the weight of the flywheel in the event of a shaft or wheel mounting failure. Maximum hole size for all other applications should not exceed one-half wheel diameter. Fixing of selection shall be by means capable of supervision by the employer. All new mill installations shall be installed so that the top of the operating rolls is not less than 50 inches above the level on which the operator stands, irrespective of the size of the mill. Selection of PSDI mode and the number of interruptions/withdrawals of the light sensing field required to initiate a press cycle shall be by means capable of supervision by the employer. If cracked, there will be a dead sound and not a clear ring.. Each recognized third-party validation organization and its validating laboratories shall: 1. They shall be located in front of the saw and so arranged as to be in continual contact with the wood being fed. This section covers all types and shapes of power-transmission belts, except the following when operating at two hundred and fifty (250) feet per minute or less: Flat belts one (1) inch or less in width. Although this appendix as such is not mandatory, it references sections and requirements which are made mandatory by other parts of the PSDI standard and appendices. The validation organization's validating laboratory shall have available all testing facilities and necessary test and inspection equipment relevant to the validation of the certification of PSDI safety systems, installations and operations. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment additional strength may be necessary. (34) Fixed barrier guard means a die space barrier attached to the press frame. (25) Face of slide means the bottom surface of the slide to which the punch or upper die is generally attached. (11) Safety system certification/validation. For hole sizes smaller than shown in this table, use table 12. 1910.120 Hazardous waste operations and emergency response. (v) For cutting-off wheels larger than 16 inches diameter and where speed does not exceed 14,200 surface feet per minute, safety guards as specified in Figures O-27 and O-28, and in Table O-1 shall be used. Steam hammers shall be provided with a quick closing emergency valve in the admission pipeline at a convenient location. Employees are required to cover and protect long hair to prevent it from getting caught in machine parts such as belts, chain and rotating parts. (10) Air controlling equipment. (6) Emphasis is placed upon the importance of maintaining cleanliness around woodworking machinery, particularly as regards the effective functioning of guards and the prevention of fire hazards in switch enclosures, bearings, and motors. Materials should be placed on the conveyor so that they will ride safely. 1910.138 Hand protection. (c) As used in 1910.216, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following mills and calenders in the rubber and plastic industries terms shall have the meanings prescribed in this paragraph. 1. 1910.34 Coverage and definitions. It should also be noted that organic bonded wheels do not emit the same clear metallic ring as do vitrified and silicate wheels. 1910.30 Training requirements. Other material, designs or dimensions affording equal or superior protection are also acceptable.
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