News and Entertainment from Australia's favourite youth publisher, In the 1970s, American ethnobotanist and author Terence McKenna coined the term machine elves to describe the otherworldly creatures that appear during trips on the, Strassman himself found the popularity of machine elves during his study to be especially notable, saying in an interview: . "YouTube machine elves and DMT, you will be amazed." He realized that he was made of immaculate and timeless consciousness when meditating in his hermit cave on the island of Gotland. There are, however, marked similarities between experiences with machine elves and old folkloric accounts of elves and fairies. But, you are gonna have such a wild experience first time, you wont remember yourself let alone a question, Surely not everyone sees these elves? Look closer at OP's recent post history. This is insanity but like it or not it is the Truth we have to integrate into our lives now. Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about the procedures of how DMT is made. Like people say its like reality, just somewhere else. Read to learn all about DMT vape pens including: what to know when vaping, what to expect when purchasing a DMT cartridge, and vaping safely. The God head also only appears on Lucy. Hey everybody. thesis in history which explores how Buddhist and Hindu texts were first properly translated and introduced to the western world in the late 18th and 19th century. Are machine elves demons? : r/DMT - reddit Machine Elves are described as faceless multi-dimensional beings that appear to move in a machine-like manner. The term machine elf was coined by ethnobotanist Terence McKenna for the entities he encountered in DMT "hyperspace", also using terms like fractal elves, or self-transforming machine elves, McKenna first encountered the "machine elves" after smoking DMT in Berkeley in 1965. McKenna and most DMT users often stress the importance of sound to the creatures, who use , [They are] made out of sound, it is sound, but you see it. And I'm not sure if these things aren't just inventions of the mind. The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. Machine Elf | Non-alien Creatures Wiki | Fandom Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. SWIM has never done DMT but the other psychedelics opened SWIM up to some of the most pure, loving ways of thought SWIM has ever conceived. I sure never have. As all individual beings are subject-based, and if youre communicating from your own subjective position to their subjective position. Daniel currently studies history, philosophy, egyptology and western esotericism at Uppsala Universitet. Like 3 massively long posts in a few minutes about totally different things. Its not like some kind of drug. Theres always a lesson to be learned while taking dmt. Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities - Reality Sandwich I am okay I just need to figure out if the elves are okay or if the energy they need can be provided through organic matter and if it is through organic matter, then I could possibly be a host that they can latch onto and then that wouldn't be good. 5-MeO-DMT Guide: Effects, Benefits, Safety, and Legality5-Meo-DMT comes from the Sonora Desert toad. All cultures that existed in the time of the aztecs and maya were violent. DMT Entities | Doctrine of Demons | Machine Elves | New Age Love is the only religion humans should follow. Id wager its someone fucking around ChatGPT generating wall of text. But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. It is used as a psychedelic drug and prepared by various cultures for ritual purposes as an entheogen.. DMT has a rapid onset, intense effects, and a relatively short duration of action. What is the best course of action to preserve my own energy and not allow them to take it?? And if theyd had faces they would have been grinning, but they didnt have faces. id say find some self love but youd probably say thats satans work too. I think its potentially problematic. This takes you as far as you can go. When I gave it to shamans in the Amazon, they said Its strong but this is, these are the ancestors. I had my own journey and a religious upbringing is extremely potent for knowledge of our intraterrestial world. If it were merely an illusion how could two people be seeing and hearing the same thing at eh exact same moment? I've never seen them either. You just have to learn to be ok with it, whatever it is. Venus, Aphrodite; namely and connection to Goddess of love. In the article The Case Against Machine Elves, James Kent approaches the topic of machine elves from a more materialist vantage point. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia With the surge in demand for psychedelic toad milk, is DMT Milking harming the frogs? Only we call them little tree people or woodland elves. I would also argue that there is violence in all cultures today. "This combination prevents the gut from breaking down the DMT before it has a chance to be absorbed. If youre worried about demons attacking you in any sense you should pray to God for protection and guidance. If you as a human being decide to enter their realm, they will most likely want to play with you. Happy elve encounters! How to Ground After DMTKnowing what to expect from a DMT comedown can help you integrate the experience to gain as much value as possible from your journey. Mechanical elves (3x priority) | a forest at night | full moon | vivid colors where tf is my full moon? Moreover they revealed to him how they permeate reality and the whole universe. In the Invisible Landscape, Mckenna describes another personal account with the machine elves, stating theyre like jeweled self-dribbling basketballs that come pounding toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate. All of this he describes as happening in a high-speed mode, like being flooded with thousands of details per second. In DMT The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strassman proposes that the brains relationship to consciousness may be akin to the relationship of a TV set to a TV signal. Many experimenters find recalling the precise image of the machine elves can be difficult, due in part to the fact that their energetic shape may continuously transform. I'm really curious and have been reading trip reports in all kinds of places. It occurred to me that these must be holographic viral projections from an autonomous continuum that was somehow intersecting my own, and then I thought a more elegant explanation would be to take it at face value and realize that I had broken into an ecology of souls. In short, it is an open question whether the DMT realm and its entities exist outside of human consciousness or are a product of human consciousness. Of course, there is no way to objectively verify this, given that the only data available is the subjective DMT experience. Some trip reports mention entities that have manifested as deceased loved ones or family members. I dont think labelling them as demons is a wise thing to do. Among these DMT entities, machine elves, or clockwork elves, are some of the most well-recognized in the DMT realm, even cross-culturally. Head here for a, Purafied VU Compressor: 4 of the Most Sought-After Units in 1 Plugin, Neil Diamond breaks retirement with surprise Sweet Caroline performance. The ontological status of DMT entities has been debated by scientists, philosophers, theologians, and psychonauts for decades. Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness. Machine Elves are actually Fallen Angels / Jinn / Demons !! Truth You're pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. McKenna and countless other psychonauts report being "greeted" by some mysterious entities while on a breakthrough DMT trip. Idle hands are the devils playthings, and what if those hands are currently wrapped up in doing the devils work? These are the things controlling the controllers If you have your own ideas to share about the machine-elves, feel free to do so below. Far fewer, however, could tell you much about the worlds first DMT. These machine elves want you to believe they create all reality but its Satan in control of this Matrix. Spiritual philistines lol, Your email address will not be published. Geometric objects may present as giant, multi-colored undulating spheres or other shapes, or more generally, morphing multi-colored, fractal-like structures of various textures. I'm going to ask them this stuff should I encounter them. Traditionally, the Celtic people saw them as spirits of the dead, maintaining some ability to communicate with the living. It helps us to make sense of things in a way that we can understand. These self-transforming machine elf creatures were speaking in a colored language which condensed into rotating machines that were like Faberg eggs but crafted out of luminescent. The DMT experience is certainly married to the cultural context in which the trip happens. Imagine the solace a warrior may find in taking psychedelics and confronting the divine within himself. 8 hrs. Were so delighted to see you!. They did seem to get aggressive when I asked if they are any correct religions to follow. Note that Im not denying their existance. What if the DMT realm was the real world, and our everyday lives were merely a game we had chosen to play? Reports of machine elf apparitions have even been found amongst the Indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rainforest. VQGAN+CLIP+coco #VQGAN #vqganclip #AIart #generativeart #machineelves, Steven H fron O&D (@_hernsl) January 20, 2022, McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. Perhaps the psychedelics were used as part of psychological combat training. DMT Extraction: Behind the Scientific ProcessTake a look at DMT extraction and the scientific process involved. DMT Entities | Doctrine of Demons | Machine Elves | New Age Spirituality | Jesus has the Authority #newage #dmt #jesus If you'd like to support my channel you can by becoming a member here on. They don't like Christianity much but if you start telling them about the Greek/Roman or Egyptian Gods they'll get friendlier and may bestow gifts if you prove you are willing to delve deeper in connecting with these Gods. So the only question I asked is, How long does it last? and he said, About five minutes. So I did it and [long pause, audience cheers] there was a something, like a flower, like a chrysanthemum in orange and yellow that was sort of spinning, spinning, and then it was like I was pushed from behind and I fell through the chrysanthemum into another place that didnt seem like a state of mind, it seemed like another place. They are a projections. Bloodthirst is relative. According to Strassman, the research subjects described contact with entities, beings, aliens, guides, and helpers. It may not be so simple as there are alien planets with their own societies. The machine elves almost always have something important to show us, but how people interpret their actions can vary a lot. Perception is in the eye of the beholder, Your email address will not be published. the one thing you need to avoid when fucking with psychedelics is the delusions. McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. ", It may seem like it would be scary or one might not be emotionally prepared to encounter these entities on a DMT trip, and Thayer says it's not uncommon for human beings to experience fear, but "the most common emotions people experience are joy, love and trust.". The truth is shamans, and native Americans were the most violent. Some even claim that they are demons, evil beings that are here to sabotage life by creating chaos. They dont need some magic portal, theyre already there. Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness. In the 1970s, American ethnobotanist and author Terence McKenna coined the term machine elves to describe the otherworldly creatures that appear during trips on the psychedelic drug Dimethyltryptamine (more commonly known as DMT). The self-transforming machine elves that are singing in a hyperdimensional language. It was like captions coming out of their mouths, very cartoon-like. They seem to shun me and call time whenever that happens. The entities may also be hard to describe with language, or difficult to discern visually. With Dmt it is a goddess I commune with. In summary, Kent makes the argument that DMT entity contact and psychedelic visuals may be the result of chaotic visual patterns overlapped with images created from waking dreams. If you are neutral, machine elves are neutral. Protestant Christianity has warned up about these false prophets and attempts to pervert the word just like when scholars falsely interpret the Dead Sea Scrolls saying Jesus was actually a hallucinogenic mushroom which he wasnt. Safe travels brother. These claims rest on the reductionist assumption that the brain is a generator of consciousness and nothing more. Then another time, i played this: Basically almost had a cosmic orgasm where infinite number of entities Why would you go from playing deliverance to what appears to be a demonic summoning ? The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. But Im sure you saw it on old forums. Which is interesting to say the least. The term "DMT elves" was coined by the late Terence McKenna one of the greatest psychedelic explorers, writers, philosophers, and ethnobotanists to have ever lived. The only answer I have is that we humans must have innate evolutionary wetware that forces our senses to latch onto any piece of anthropomorphic data that pops into otherwise randomly uniform data.. Some psychonauts believe the visions are subjective evidence of highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, perhaps genetically-engineered advanced humans of the far future who are attempting to influence the current destiny of humanity. Filled with concepts and dogmas? The elves may permeate reality, as they claim, but it is unlikely that they are the source of the Universe or the Dao. A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. And these little machines offered themselves to me. Yes, nothing you can do about it? Signs are from God. DMT Elves: What Are They, And Why Do People See Them? 12/15/21: ELF IN A BLENDER - Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: They were speaking and words were coming out of their mouths, just floating along, he said. Most would think it as bloodthirst but thats far too positivist. Im sorry man I do not buy that. Humanoid beings are a common archetype of the DMT experience. Most of the entities I've seen are regular looking people or an implied presence without a visible form. And I wondered, Where Am I? Do you really think that satan has less of a shot to enter these confused minds who cannot distinguish and observe their own thoughts? Artists have been busy trying to depict this mysterious terrain. I have never had a break through experience but what I have had was the many fractals, the intense body buzz that feels like Im vibrating in a whole other frequency. I believe the 3 rules of don't worry should apply to your current situation. In his book Archaic Revival, Mckenna refers to them as self-transforming machine elves. In any case, they are inhabitants of the DMT dimension that often try to teach something to whoever is visiting. Oh yes, what are machine elves? Have you seen his post about shovelling a plot of land? Mckenna found their descriptions of entity contact resembled his own experiences with the machine elves, What was eye-catching about the description of this visionary plant preparation was that the Witoto tribe of the Upper Amazon, who alone knew the secret of making it, used it to talk to little men and to gain knowledge from them.. They are described as walking in a psychedelic world of fractal shapes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Fear is an invitation to wisdom Inner fears are supposed to be exploited because they're maladaptive habitual ignorances. . Kate Morgan Instagram: And they assured me that they loved me and they told me not to be amazed; not to give way to astonishment. These are ancestor souls. In a typical DMT experience, a user may experience lots of rapidly fluctuating emotions, Thayer said, including love, fear, joy, anxiety and euphoria. Lev Polyakov on Twitter: "RT @breakth3rules: @vers_LaLune on DMT Is it a deterministic perspective? A friend of a friend abused DMT for awhile (well, treated it as a recreational fun drug instead of a psychonautical learning experience that deserves respect), and he kept ending up in the room with the elves. I cant help but wonder what the hell those things are they sure appear sentiment and rather intelligent. This is too proximal. . And I realized when I looked at them that if I could bring just one of these little trinkets back, nothing would ever be quite the same again. A person shouldn't be afraid of their own mind. I copied and pasted this from the youtube videos page: For MONETIZATION: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and does not conflict with Youtube regulations. In his book DMT The Spirit Molecule, where he documents these experiences, Strassman writes, I was neither intellectually nor emotionally prepared for the frequency with which contact with beings occurred in our studies, nor the often utterly bizarre nature of these experiences.. He told me how I would find this by accident when it took him so many years to encounter. Do Machine Elves Really Exist? - Botanical Empress From a more materialist vantage point, its possible that DMT entities are symbolic manifestations of the unconscious mind. Avoid psychedelics for at least a few months and see a psychiatrist if it persists. Fel magic (also called demonic magic, sacrificial magic, chaos energy or chaotic energy) is a destructive form of magic used by demons and members of the Burning Legion, and often by warlocks and demon hunters among the mortal races. My knowledge is intrinsic and I move mountains with this faith. As Terence Mckenna says, You burst into this space and theyre saying, How wonderful that youre here, you come so rarely! In the years since the term machine elves has been used interchangeably with clockwork elves, and while the phenomenon may escape easy description, users of DMT report largely common, or at least interrelated, characteristics of these psychedelic entities. The machine elves, according to Terence, are entities that one encounters when they consume the requisite amount of Dimethyltryptamineor, more commonly, DMT. There can be a "dissolving of the sense of self," and, of course, hallucinations involving self-transforming machine elves. Objects which looked like Faberg eggs from Mars morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. DMT Machine/Clockwork elves, Dark Jesters, Djinn, Demons, Extra Dimensional beings, Aliens, Spirit Guides, Coices crazy people hear, Familiars, and whatever else people call them. What are they really? is there a problem? They have opened doors, sliders, cabinets, etc. These intelligent other-worldly beings that communicate with you when youve smoked a puff or two of DMT. Yep they are demons . If you are good, machine elves are good. I'm not really religious. My words of wisdom to you would be to be open to all possibilities and dont be married to a perspective or a paradigm. They would mock them, laugh at them, and stock them for sometimes hours and even tell them that they were not ready for the experience. In South America, indigenous people have used the powerful psychedelic drug ayahuasca as a hallucinogenic tea to alter brain activity for thousands of years. simple reason is we dont really understand what consciousness is to begin with , and whether the universe is conscious or not There's no clear-cut description for what the DMT entities actually look like, but they're called "machine elves" or "clockwork elves" because McKenna described them that way. @ Sean, thank you for this thoughtful reply. Am glad that this wasn't a real person out in the world though, Im afraid its looking good. (instagram account is me still in character) Thus, people are reporting figments of their psychedelic drug induced imagination. 4-AcO-DMT Guide: Benefits, Effects, Safety, and LegalityThis guide tells you everything about 4 AcO DMT & 5 MeO DMT, that belong to the tryptamine class, and are similar but slightly different to DMT. And that isnt the wisest thing to do is it? Then in the bottom left hand corner of my vision a door appeared and opened slightly to a clown like entity appearing and then closing the door and reopening and popping through again until I could make out his figure. Substance Guides IndexTerms and Conditions | Privacy PolicyContact. Hell weve going deep into the rabbit hole now, maybe I should slow down. Learn how your comment data is processed. Were these people savage? Sponsors . It comes through the pineal as I am able to see objects that are behind my eyes. DMT is one of the most potent entheogens known to man, and the trip it induces is significantly different than other psychoactive substances. I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. The surviving half-fiend offspring of House Dlardrageth fled to Siluvanede, around 5000 DR. In that case, what room is there for destiny? Lol. Most people who are conditioned under todays materialistic paradigm would probably argue for the latter, i.e. With a loose understanding of how they appear and what they tend to look like, scientists have sought to explore what the exact function of machine elves might be. In this way, internal data, rather than extrinsic stimuli, is taken to be the primary workload of our imaginal workspace (the minds eye). Therefore, I was neither intellectually nor emotionally prepared for the frequency with which contact with these beings occurred in our studies, nor the often utterly bizarre nature of these experiences. But now I think they are after my energy. The dmt jesters are such a strange phenomena. Somehow I was finding out that thing that you cheerfully assume you cant find out. I like how some people jump all over meditation, chakras and psychedelics as portals for demons. The demons, the devil and the desire for the 7 deadly sins already live within all of man. I think it is also important to share information about how DMT is a known trigger for epileptics, because we had no idea, obviously, and that sucked. Encounters with DMT entities are very similar to those reported by people who have had near-death and alien abduction experiences. 3/1/23: I'M LIVING ON A CHINESE ROCK W/ DR. LEE MERRITT Ron Patton | March 1, 2023 . DMT users have reported encounters with "machine elves": entities 5 Terrifying Creatures That Attack While You're Sleeping - HellHorror And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this, One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: .
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