Well, there you have it, thats how I see it anyway . When Nehemiah hears that "the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire," ( Neh 1:3 ), he gets permission from Persian King Artaxerxes to rebuild the city. Nehemiah gathered the people together to rebuild the walls. The decree signified by Daniel 9 that starts the 70 weeks is the decree issued by Julius Caesar in 44 BCE, that says: Gaius Caesar, consul the fifth time [in 44 BCE], hath decreed, That the Jews shall possess Jerusalem, and may encompass that city with walls; and that Hyrcanus, the son of Alexander, the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, retain it in the manner he himself pleases; and that the Jews be allowed to deduct out of their tribute, every second year the land is let [in the Sabbatic period], a corus of that tribute; and that the tribute they pay be not let to farm, nor that they pay always the same tribute. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 14.10.5 (Whiston translation). Of course, no artist can claim knowledge of what any biblical character looked like. 14 So the angel that communed with me said unto me, Cry thou, saying, Thus saith YHWH of hosts; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy. How long was the journey from Persia to Jerusalem? He also provided a place where the people could wait for God's salvation. The CSB E3 Discipleship Bible is full of intentionally crafted discipleship tools and resources based on the E3 discipleship methodEngage. It was God's work and He protected His people and they completed the wall in 52 days. Nehemiah Inspects Jerusalem's Walls (Nehemiah 2:11-16) Landmarks in Building the Wall of Jerusalem ( Larger map) Notice carefully Nehemiah's strategy. This was definitely accomplished with God's help. And Tobiah sent letters to intimidate me. According to Jewish tradition the Artakhshast of Ezra and Nehemyah is the same as Daryavesh I. 23After them Benjamin and Hasshub made repairs opposite their house. I do not see a reference to Yom Kippur in these verses. There was no other explanation but God. 31After him Malchijah, one of the goldsmiths, made repairs as far as the house of the temple servants and of the merchants, opposite the Muster Gate, and to the upper room of the corner. This company acts as an image bank/agency they own, or represent photographers (and artists, if recent), with regard to copyright. I will not go in! 12Then I perceived and saw that God had not sent him at all, but he had pronounced the prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. 12 Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days. So this is how it works Foto Marburg has plenty of Abrahams, Davids, Jesuses (Jesi?) Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, current or in historical records of the past almost one thousand years, is there any reference to Nehemiah! Notice then what YHWH says in verse 16: I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies: my house shall built in it, saith YHWH of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Jerusalem.. Just a few years later Cyrus gave his command(at the prompting of YHWH) which allowed the people to return and rebuild the temple. Ok here is Nehemiah chapter 1 says, 1The words of Nehemiah son of Hakaliah: In the month of Kislevin the twentieth year, while I was in the citadel of Susa. 14Malchijah son of Rechab, ruler of the district of Beth-haccherem, repaired the Dung Gate; he rebuilt it and set up its doors, its bolts, and its bars. 5Next to them the Tekoites made repairs; but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work of their Lord. Answer (1 of 3): Re your query: Did Nehemiah rebuild the temple? Ezra 7 begins with Ezra going up to Jerusalem in the 7th year of Artaxerxes the king. There is a way to solve these problems but they do not wish to handle it that way. Nehemiah rebuilt the wall to protect the people from the enemies. But afterwards, in applying the prophecy to Theudas, and Judas of Galilee, and at length to Bar Cochab, they seem to have shortened the reign of the Kingdom of Persia. (Chron. "Nehemiah 6:15", and "The city of . Ill stick with what the biblical text states, that the key time-location events are the decree of Caesar in 44 BCE and the building of the broad place and moat in 43 BCE. 20After him Baruch son of Zabbai repaired another section from the Angle to the door of the house of the high priest Eliashib. 17Moreover, in those days the nobles of Judah sent many letters to Tobiah, and Tobiahs letters came to them. Right or wrong the rest is just opinion. 5In the same way Sanballat for the fifth time sent his servant to me with an open letter in his hand. Ezras genealogy would make him impossibly old in the 7th year of Artaxerxes I, as his father was killed when the Mikdash was destroyed. Nehemiah 4 1 Now when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry and greatly enraged, and he mocked the Jews. Israel became a nation 69 years ago!! . And the plot thickens How many days did it take Nehemiah and his leaders to rebuild Jerusalem's walls? See http://www.prophecysociety.org for a fuller explanation than can be provided in this forum. They said, "We're with you. Read about Nadav Naamans examination of the Biblical and archaeological evidence for King Davids Palace and the Millo in Bible History Daily. I looked up the complete article from your website. He gathered his people together, he equipped them, and he led them in rebuilding the city walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 3:16 - glennsreflections.com Nehemiah 6:15 So the wall was completed in fifty-two days, on the Could we take 52 days to accomplish something similar? . Here is where the problem develops in the chronology. In Part 1 prayer was discussed and in this article we have discussed preparation and . Bible Reading Plans - Bible in 90 Days - NKJV - May 5, 2023 This is a powerful teaching It takes me back to when I was wrapping up my pursuit towards my diploma And ministered to me was God needed you left out so he Nehemiahed you left out its not that you did something wrong Terrill T.C a.k.a Relic. Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem | Children's Bible - JW.ORG The walls of . Empower. But Nehemiah avoids their traps, ignores their threats, and refuses to hide when threatened by assassination. Amazing issues here. I would like to see more biblical dating using David Rohls new Chronology. Nehemiah brought all the Levites to Jerusalem for the inauguration. However, week of years is not the meaning of the word weeks used to specify the seven weeks and sixty-two weeks in verse 25. Nehemiah - Re-building the Wall - Part 2 - City Family Church Thanks for the article. 3They replied, The survivors there in the province who escaped captivity are in great trouble and shame; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been destroyed by fire.. He also made the other nobles and officials forgive all outstanding debts and ordered them to return all land and money that had been taken as taxes so the people would be able to feed themselves and their families. 1Then the high priest Eliashib set to work with his fellow-priests and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. One day they were reading in the book of Moses out loud to all the congregation of people. It went from November in the 20th year in chapter 1 to April in the 20th year in chapter 2. Building the Wall and Dealing With Resistance. 10One day when I went into the house of Shemaiah son of Delaiah son of Mehetabel, who was confined to his house, he said, Let us meet together in the house of God, within the temple, and let us close the doors of the temple, for they are coming to kill you; indeed, tonight they are coming to kill you. 11But I said, Should a man like me run away? They make their money by licensing temporary rights for a specific use to newspapers, magazines and other media. 13I went out by night by the Valley Gate past the Dragons Spring and to the Dung Gate, and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem that had been broken down and its gates that had been destroyed by fire. Despite the free time, which is a rarity in my life, beautiful breezy weather and a book I cant stop reading, my mood was, lets put it nicely, stormy. Photo printing devices nowadays are manufactured in different sizes Then I turned back and entered by the Valley Gate, and so returned. The new chronology I have introduced in my book Sacred Chronology of the Hebrew Kings (available for reading free on my website) shows how the chronologies of the Bible, Egypt, and Assyria are in perfect agreement when the correct chronology for the kings is used. 16The officials did not know where I had gone or what I was doing; I had not yet told the Jews, the priests, the nobles, the officials, and the rest that were to do the work. See how ppl dont continue reading to see that the wall was continued in the 32nd year?! The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. During this time according to Haggai 1 the people were busy working on their own houses. David Rohls chronology works only if one disregards major portion of the Hebrew Scriptures. Who rebuilt the wall in Nehemiah? - Daily Justnow The Book of Nehemiah is usually read together with the Book of Ezra as one long book. . 6I was very angry when I heard their outcry and these complaints. English translators have taken the liberty of translating it and denoting another separate Artaxerxes. Israel is not serving God as of now and so time is not calculated because of that. Nehemiah 10 identified many of those same men as being sealed with Nehemiah in the 20th year of Artaxerxes. Here is your ticket to join us as we discover more and more about the biblical world and its people. Cyruss decree initially started the process, but then it was interrupted and the Temple construction stopped. Of all of the English translations of Daniel 9:25, Youngs Literal Translation is perhaps the best (but still imperfect), saying And thou dost know, and dost consider wisely, from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem till Messiah the Leader [is] seven weeks, and sixty and two weeks: the broad place hath been built again, and the rampart, even in the distress of the times. A good fulfillment paraphrase of verse 25, substituting real events and real names from history for the biblical language, would read something like this: Observe with your eyes and calculate with your mind, that after the issuance of the decree by Julius Caesar to Hyrcanus II, high priest and ethnarch (the anointed one-prince) of the Jews, restoring him to rule in Jerusalem (the first restoration) and granting him permission to rebuild its fortifications, until his repatriation from Parthia to Jerusalem by Herod (the second restoration), there will be seven Pentecosts, followed by sixty-two Pentecosts. Cyruss decree which started contruction of the temple. im so interested with 12 gates of jerusalem. [] hidden behind weed-like wildflowers that grew out of cracks in the wall. This is where I admittedly find it frustrating when discussing this subject. The waw would have been more accurately translated as a hendiadys where the 2nd word specifies the first. Trying to apply that prophecy to the Persian period is simply incorrect. Here is how I understand it. Thanks for the insight! Written by the worlds foremost biblical scholars and archaeologists, each chapter has been updated and expanded to incorporate more than a decades worth of outstanding new discoveries and fresh scholarly perspectives. 10 GATES TO GET CLOSE TO GOD - CrossLife Church The picture of a statue of Nehemiah in this Bible History Daily article caused me to be suspicious. Four months later, they arrived in Jerusalem. 3. Ok kislev is November, and notice it says the 20th year of the king? Let's get started." They rolled up their sleeves, ready for the good work. And rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days. The people of the prince to come were in fact those who destroyed the temple under Titus in 70 A.D. Neither can be made to match the biblical record. Children's Bible Lessons: Lesson - Nehemiah Rebuilds The Wall - Blogger The dating of the ministries of Nehemiah and Ezra have been juggled to fit both Jewish and Christian misinterpretations of Daniel 9, unfortunately, and repeated so often that they have become gospel in their respective circles. Ill stick with what the biblical text states, that the key time-location events are the decree of Caesar in 44 BCE and the building of the broad place and moat in 43 BCE.. 52 days to rebuild a wall | wannebechef Nehemiah served as the kings cupbearer (Nehemiah 1:11), which evidently put him in a position to speak to the king and request favors from him. 9:1-19) They were also present at the completion and dedication of the wall. These take place in the 2nd year of Darius. Upon arrival into the city, he assessed the damage and got to work. How long did it take Nehemiah to rebuild the wall? Often asked: How Long Did Nehemiah Wait To Build The Wall? 16Indeed, I devoted myself to the work on this wall, and acquired no land; and all my servants were gathered there for the work. According to Haggai 1, YHWH then spoke to Haggai and asked him why the people were building their own houses when the Temple was not completed. Why was it important to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem? After each failed attempt a new Artaxerxes was chosen in order to make the prophecy work. * Both men worked together to restore the city and rededicate its people to God. Daniel 9:25 25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Moving on to the 62 sevens they have nothing to do with the original command to return and build Jerusalem. A conquered people emerge from horrific suffering to reform their nation with the sanction of the conqueror to even rebuild their walls. Daniel 9 did two things. 19But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard of it, they mocked and ridiculed us, saying, What is this that you are doing? 7We have offended you deeply, failing to keep the commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances that you commanded your servant Moses. 52 Day Prayer Challenge | Titus Women Again I ask you to consider. And it could not (as Josephus says) be Khshayarsha, who only reign 20 years. Nehemiah's willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of others None of the Persian-era decrees fit the text of Daniel 9. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.' When [Nehemiah] heard these things, [he] sat down and wept" (Nehemiah 1:3). The wall completed: 6:15-19. It came to pass in the month of Chislev, in the () twentieth year, as I was in () Shushan [] the [] citadel, 2 that () Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. Thats too big a price to pay. The Temple, the city walls, and the gates had been destroyed as a result of the three invasions of Nebuchadnezzar and his forces in 606 BC, 597 BC, and 586 BC. What was the length of the Jerusalem walls Nehemiah had to - Answers 12Then I got up during the night, I and a few men with me; I told no one what my God had put into my heart to do for Jerusalem. Chapter 5 says, he finished the wall in the 32nd year of the king!!! In my opinion it does not represent a reasonable interpretation of the available Scriptural evidence. The al so important, yet lost and presently under known appearance and working of the Urim and Thummim (Neh 7:65), was ignored in the text of the report concerning the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem. Now he could rebuild his beloved city of Jerusalem, its walls and gates. These walls had been down for 100 years. Daniyel 9:23 says that at the beginning of Daniyels supplications yatsa davar.. Ezra and Nehemiah, and the wall built during their time, have nothing to do with Daniel 9. And the Old Testament book of Nehemiah records how Nehemiah completed that massive project in record time just 52 days. Not only did he trust God to bless his efforts, he physically did his part to complete the project. Thanks a lot and I am taking a look ahead to contact you. God bless those truly seeking Him. Why is this important? 9Then I came to the governors of the province Beyond the River, and gave them the kings letters. Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the wallsin 52 days. 13 But go your way till the end. [], [] like in Nehemiahs time, we are living within broken down walls. Why is a broken-down wall such a big deal? Rhema I have received from what Nehemiah did: he had a burden for his people; he went out and did want God wanted him to do; God did not give him a timeframe to do it in; and Nehemiah obeyed. In this way the Persian era was eclipsed. The word used in Daniyel is shavuim, while the word for weeks is shavuot. He expounded and enforced the Law of God. They instead have claimed an unknown and contextually inaccurate addition to those original commands which started and completed the contruction of the 2nd temple as specified in Ezra 6. The first three chapters of Nehemiah cover the rebuilding of the walls to keep the people of God safe. and Artaxerxes comes from the waw proceeding Artaxerxes. Virtually any citizen of the ancient world could tick off three reasons why a wall was far more than just a pile of rocks. He is even given letters from the king to ensure safe passage and to obtain timber from the kings forest for the gates and walls of Jerusalem. It is the bedrock foundation upon which Jerusalems restoration began. Next to them Zadok son of Baana made repairs. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah all had the same author, Chronicles does not mention any figures or events from the northern kingdom., The reason for the people of Judah to be taken captive was worshiping false God. 16And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem; for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God. [Nehemiah records] "Hanani, one of my brothers, arrived from Judah with another group, and I asked them about Jerusalem and about our fellow-Jews who had returned from exile in Babylonia. Read full chapter Nehemiah 1 Nehemiah 3 The Message (MSG) The only animal I took was the animal I rode. @ William You have offered an interesting interpretation, but it is based on rebuilding the Temple, whereas Daniel 9:25 mentions restoring Jerusalem to a messiah (anointed one)/political leader, but does not say anything at all about rebuilding the Temple. Notice the verse again. [52 days] What did Nehemiah do after rebuilding the walls? He enlisted the help of the people to quickly repair the breaches in the wall. The prince (lowercase p) is not Jesus Christ. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ, reaching millions worldwide. This is the command to return and build Jerusalem. The book of Nehemiah records the rebuilding of Jerusalem's city wall in about 445BC. Only this time the Christian chronologists have removed the contextual necessity of association between the command given by YHWH and the 2nd year of Darius even- Artaxerxes. This printer even prints a color photo in black and white or After the wall was built, Nehemiah ensured that the people were read God's Law, and they understood it. God bless. This is my understanding. It is in Hebrew , Nemyh, "Yah comforts". Within three days of his arrival in Jerusalem he did a thorough inspection of the walls (Nehemiah 2:11-16). The traditional Bible chronology based on Thieles harmonization of the Hebrew kings and the Rohl chronology for Egypt are incorrect. He read the Book of Moses and wanted to make sure the people stayed faithful to God's ways. As the fingers flipped through the pages of the Book I always run to when in need of comfort, I read the story of Nehemiah the non-cribber, man of action,a go-getter and also the man behind the wall. Not even Michelangelo and his David! Will they sacrifice? Most significant were its cracks, which [], [] I was having one of those days. How long did it take Nehemiah to rebuild the wall - short-fact.com Where do you get the following statement from? No, this was by no means a wall of Nehemiah, no rebuild per se, yet it did show evidence of repair. So they relocated the eastern wall higher up the slope and, according to author Eilat Mazar, built it directly on top of a ruined wall of King Davids palace (also known as the Large Stone Structure) and its massive rampart (known as the Stepped Stone Structure). Ok here is chapter 2 of Nehemiah.. Will they sacrifice? As already mentioned, most traditional expositors have interpreted the word weeks in that verse to mean a week of years. In other words, a week in Daniel is interpreted as meaning a period of seven years. Neamiah returned to king Darius when he finished building the walls. The answer is that Nehemiah did not build on top of the ridge but repaired Hezekiah's mid-slope wall. It took Nehemiah 52 days to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. [Nehemiah 5:14 - Governor for 12 years before returning to the palace.] .but I remind you that that is not what God said through the prophet Daniel in verse 25. All that was left was to rebuild the city . Nehemiah Prays for His People. The early Messianic expectants would have understood the verse to mean: according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, -even- Artaxerxes. American Standard Version So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days. 52 days Once there, Nehemiah defied the opposition of Judah's enemies on all sidesSamaritans, Ammonites, Arabs and Philistinesand rebuilt the walls within 52 days, from the Sheep Gate in the North, the Hananeel Tower at the North West corner, the Fish Gate in the West, the Furnaces Tower at the Temple . As noted earlier a variation on this tradition has been carried on by Christians today in their association of Artaxerxes with the Persian Longimanus. The wall is made from stone and mortar with gates. Nehemiah 6:15 (Holman Christian Standard Bible) 15 The wall was completed (A) in 52 days, on the twenty-fifth day of the month Ellul. This can only be sadness of the heart. Then I was very much afraid. It was now the 25th day of Elul, only five days prior to the Feast of Trumpets. He is even given letters from the king to ensure safe passage and to obtain timber from the kings forest for the gates and walls of Jerusalem. The end of days never refers to Yom Kippur in the Tanach. In it, Nehemiah describes his efforts to rebuild the city, even in the face of hostile neighbors. 3So I sent messengers to them, saying, I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Rebuilding the walls showed that God was with His people. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me. Here is a simple equation of the 1st part of that verse: I personally do not think Daniel 9 can be separated from the context of that time. 14After I looked these things over, I stood up and said to the nobles and the officials and the rest of the people, Do not be afraid of them. Nehemiah. How difficult is it to build a wall? 2For there were those who said, With our sons and our daughters, we are many; we must get grain, so that we may eat and stay alive. 3There were also those who said, We are having to pledge our fields, our vineyards, and our houses in order to get grain during the famine. 4And there were those who said, We are having to borrow money on our fields and vineyards to pay the kings tax. In 100 years people had been trying to rebuild these walls and they couldn't get it done. So that the Mikdash would have been completed in his 6th year (Ezra 6), and Ezra would have led the return in his 7th year. Truth of the matter is we will NEVER know all the facts and truths in this life..only the next. When a mother walks into our care, there is a sense of urgency: a baby is coming and I can only stay so long. Then they said, Let us start building! So they committed themselves to the common good. By this time, exiles who were taken at the time of the Babylonian conquest had already been allowed to return to their homeland, and the ones that did had already rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem. The words of Ezra 6 lays it all out in chronological order. The wall was at last completed52 days (a week shy of two months) after the reconstruction under Nehemiah commenced (verse 15). 16After him Nehemiah son of Azbuk, ruler of half the district of Beth-zur, repaired from a point opposite the graves of David, as far as the artificial pool and the house of the warriors. This event symbolically and chronologically marked the end of the 70 years of Jerusalems desolation. Nehemiah: rebuilding and remembering - OverviewBible The Scriptural basis for their calculations was likely Ezra 6:14.
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