The most important part of this set is hitting 300 Dark Magic Skill which caps the damage of your Drain/Drain 2. are the sets on the main pages somewhat up to date? A great alternative for any Dark Knights support jobs. It also has a higher damage cap than drain, so you can hit for 400+ damage in max sets. un-augmented version with one Critical Hit and one Skill Speed meld. Since your attacks are so slow, and your accuracy is so low, its kind of a pain to solo. sync by queuing into Eden's Verse: Furor (Savage) with the Unrestricted Party Enjoy! Notable Weaponskills: None. Any three melds can be replaced so long as a given These are shown on the rings, Dark Knight abilities generate a lot of hate when used. Anyone have some sets they could post for me? Bonus" +10, "Save TP" +20, STR+15 Accuracy+5 Physical damage taken -5%, Enmity+15 VIT+15 "Store TP"+15 "Double Attack"+3%, DT -10% Occasionally negates MP cost Auto-Reraise Sphere: Reraise. Dark Knight Gear Guide - FFXI Wiki Because much higher ilvl gear is required to cap out both substats on Nasomi Community FFXI Server Board index International Jobs Dark Knight, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. This power comes from the spell Utsusemi, both versions of it, which puts a buff on you that absorbs incoming damage. TEA syncs to ilvl 475, and synced gear must be item level 595 or higher for Where this weapon really shines though is the relic weaponskill, Catastrophe. Plus, it allows you to possibly counter. Except now you can absorb the targets TP every minute. Offline. However, you make up for it by having a decent amount of agility, and the highest vitality in the game, making you by far the most survivable of all Dark Knights. Dark Knight Tank in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (Patch Apocalypse - The king of Dark Knight weapons, this is the relic scythe and is probably the single biggest power increase a relic weapon can provide to a job. A pretty weak ability, if you remember to use it while fighting any arcana-type mob you and your party members will have a chance to intimidate the mob. [click header for High-end Armor Sets (Offensive) section], VI-3. It's hard to overstate just how important this merit is, and it should always be your first capped job merit. Now, since Dark Knight is about as frail as a Black Mage but with metal armor, I dont suggest you use this after about Lv.15 unless its really necessary. General substat priority is followed with the exception of two Direct Hit melds normal mode release. This set replaces five Direct Hit X materia with Skill Speed in order to Last Resort (15) 5:00 Recast - Increases your attack by 15% and lowers your defense by 15%. This also means that compared to my previous guides, Warrior and Samurai, there is much less black and white to Dark Knight's play style. You may opt to use an Augmented Classical Ring of Fending instead of its On the side of good news, though, these levels are when you get some of your most awesome spells and weapon skills. (Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide - FFXIAH so i'ma try Drk out. The problem is that if you are stacking Last Resort and Souleater togethor, this staggers the timers and can lead to waste. It's a misconception that Dark Knight has lower defense than warrior. Meaning if you have a Ninja tank and are otherwise scared to even lift a finger, subbing Thief can pour all that enormous enmity on the Ninja, not only letting you deal all that damage, but even more later, since his or her hate threshold will be immediately increased. 5. Kind of new to DRK, but really enjoying it so far. overcap as a result, indicated by red text on the melding screen. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. You will at least need to have a Haubergeon, a pair of Sniper or Woodsman ring and a life belt by level 60. and head. The second reason is the passive Store TP you gain off traits, which allows a scythe Drk to gain TP in 6 hits instead of 7, and a great sword Drk to gain TP in 7 hits instead of 8. Dark Knight: Guide by Raenryong/Weapons - FFXIclopedia Ragnarok - The other relic weapon that Dark Knight get's access to, and man is it disapointing. These levels are both quite nice and really bad for Dark Knights. That says it all. It's important to keep in mind the people you're playing with. Notes: The best weapon a Dark Knight can use until level 50, although it is not practical to do so since Scythe and/or Great Sword are very likely to become underlevelled. Souleater also adds +25 accuracy while its up, which can help offset accuracy loss from Souleater enhancing items. You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't boosts to your damage. Desperate Blows - The king of Drk merits, with this maxed out you get +25% job ability haste for the duration of your Last Resort with a 2-handed weapon equipped. Combine with Shield Break, your Dark Knight will be able to deal significantly more damage (as much as 15% more) over time. made this guide for my new guildies who were playing drk, the information overload is real for new players who are adusting to all the custom content provided by the server and it definitely will be rough for more casual players who don't search the forums for hours to scour information on their own. mainly for those already accustomed to playing at faster speeds and who are less If you do not have a Bozjan resistance relic weapon, simply use any weapon With an enormous boost to strength, dexterity, accuracy, and attack power, it's one of the best things you could ever have. Required Total Job Points Spent. Drain (10): Dark magic spell that drains HP from the enemy, this is actually a pretty strong nuke and you will use this a lot. Dragoon is purely a zerging sub job, it does offer some non zerging benefits like Jump, Attack Bonus, and Accuracy Bonus, but overall none of those will be better than the subs listed above. Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped): Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped). Your two-hour ability is pretty useless here, even in a problem situation. Its a cool combo. Samurai sub also offers defensively utility in Seigan, which allows you to mitigate most incoming single target attacks. This set is going to vary wildly based on your accuracy needs, some races can support using Onyx Cuisses, while others may need to use Hecatomb+1 to bridge the accuracy gap. I have been doing RoE stuff and I'm following a guide to get 119 gear. As with the 2.50 set, you can run a slightly faster speed for comfort at the (Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide - FFXIAH An infinite amount of time! and Critical Hit replaced with Determination). Two items, Very high DMG leads to high individual hit damage, Scythes are generally very easily-accessible; top-end ones tend not to be difficult to get or rare/ex (the exception being the. It's also very useful as a support job for Red Mage in end-game scenarios with Stun. The DPS a 2.45 GCD rather than 2.50. performance. Dark Knight - FFXI Wiki There is some talk about it, but nice to spread the word to players coming back and whatnot. As mentioned in the Blood Weapon paragraph, this can be combined with that ability for some crazy shit. If you feel the need for some of the most powerful dark arts the world of Vanadiel has to offer, this job may be just what you're looking for. Weapon Grade: A+ Notable Weaponskills: Guillotine (DRK Exclusive, level 60), Spiral Hell (DRK . Scythes and Great Swords two arent the only weapons Dark Knight can do well with. Scythes are split into two types: Zaghnal and Scythe. In theory this puts out good white damage, but white damage alone doesn't make up for the huge lack of WS damage you will have with this weapon. Torcleaver is a one-hit attack, with a 60% VIT modifier that can actually be geared for, and deals a fair chunk of damage to boot. Allot no more than 136 points into each substat for optimum Does Armadaberk really come ahead in that many situations? Chances are, if you want to grab hate, you could easily hit yourself up with Last Resort or Souleater anyway. That's the inevitable direction that comment turns it, though. I actually have Lycurgos for RUN and I considered building around that but ultimately I ended up doing Dolichenus and Decimation. haha well i'm at work atm and i've yet to unlock it i'm sure i have a decent amount of gear for it from other jobs or can get it atleast. They can also use some crossbows. max-level content as well as suggestions for older ultimate-difficulty Recomended: 5 Desperate Blows, 1 Dark Seal, 4 Diabolic Eye. Examples of fights you would use this on are Tiamat, KS99 Wyrm, and Bahamut. I personally think this is a good choice for a category 1 merit, allowing you to get to your next big souleater WS a minute earlier, or if your lucky enough with enough backline you can ride the whole souleater duration. Nice job. the exact pieces used are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync Drop down and continue south to H-14. This is shown on the weapon, but it can be done on any other slot Dark Knight is a strange job while leveling, Scythe, the signature weapon, is actually really bad until level 60 and even casting spells is largely a waste of time. about ~0.4% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. Spinning Slash is very consistent and highly-damaging, although a miss can mean a loss in DoT. With Haste on, you can attack a lot too. With fast swinging weapons, many buffs, and against specific mobs, a Dark Knight can achieve unimaginable burst damage with this ability combination in what is commonly called a "zerg". down to 2.44 GCD in exchange for ~0.5% of your DPS. The potency of Dread Spikes is based purely on total HP, which means you can macro in as much HP as possible before casting it for maximum total damage absorbed. This ability is okay, it's a relatively strong temporary attack boost you can slip in before a big WS. Notes: Tempting although it may seem, do not Dual Wield on Dark Knight seriously. any slot you prefer, but the latter must be done on the crafted ring as it is release. Which Set to Use. The 2.40 prog set doesn't lose as much compared to the slower sets as the Also like Warrior, many are simply not practical for general usage. While they have a respectable rating in Elemental Magic, the bulk of their magic usage comes from casting Dark Magic spells. Allot no Im kidding, of course. Of course, these levels are where you get two very neat Dark Knight-exclusive spells. meet currently than on release due to potency and system changes, so simply Seriously, its annoying. Plus, high dexterity and agility mean you can hit more and dodge more if the need arises. 2.45 should feel more familiar to those experienced with Dark Buying both the tome headpiece and the ring for Souleater (30) 6:00 Recast - Deals 10% of your total HP converted into flat damage on hit. While it should still perform within a couple Damage output is near-identical to the 2.50 Dark Knight | FFXIclopedia | Fandom Plus, if you party with a Paladin, theres almost no way he or she is going to lose hate to you, so you can just go absolutely nuts. This comes at a cost of Dark Knight is not even one of the most popular jobs on Eden, but Apocalypse is the most popular relic on the server, and for very good reason. Summary - The Gear Here is the best defense-wise for your level, the Courage and Balance rings are interchangeable and moreso since DEX+1 = ACC+1 since a previous update. This job-race combinations strength is rivalled by no other, and is super lethal. Good guide. Dark knight beginner's guide finally out! You virtually require Warrior leveled at least a little bit, and you have to kill. LOL @ the colibri on Redemption. On Eden, Dark Knight finds a home as a heavy DPS job that brings moderate amounts of support to the party with things like stun and enhancing the effect of chaos roll. TP set or any WS's ? Having some trouble with my Entropy set atm. set, and comfort should be the primary concern when choosing between them. One cool thing most people don't know about this ability is that with 5/5 you don't need to use Hasso while it's up (because job ability haste caps at 25%) so you can use Seigan+Third Eye for defense. If you want to lower the recast you can use items like Homam and Dusk which have combination high HP and haste, plus save you a bit of inventory. The Head has some use as a WS piece if you lack other options, and the body is mostly not good for Drk but can see use if you absolutely don't need accuracy in your body slot. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. Also check the general/widget tips. Me, Id be Absorb-DEX all the way, but Im just an accuracy nut. the other pieces are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync threshold On this page, you will find the best gear and best-in-slot items for your higher for maximum value on both substats. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Offensive). These are shown on the weapon and rings, Shout group ambuscade/dyna/whatever since sakpatas came out. Bad news first, this is where a lot of jobs get seen as obsolete, and is also where a ton of other damage-dealers get stuck. I've been wanting to test out loxotic mace on DRK but not exactly sure where to start since we don't have access to black halo. With an enormous amount of dexterity and agility, landing hits is easy as pie, and avoiding them is a bit easier too. Enmity from gear caps at +100 but you don't really have to worry about that, it's impossible for Dark Knight in era. offensive cooldowns rolling exactly as they become available. Ranger is the sub job of choice before Warrior! Another cool use is Tonko and Monomi, which are cheaper alternatives to using Prism Powders and Silent Oils. "To strengthen themselves in battle, not only have these outlaw warriors mastered the ways of numerous weapons, but they have also acquired certain black magic spells to torment their enemies." Table of Contents: Abilities, Traits, Spell List, Combat Skill Ratings Bam, an almost instant 60% TP right before your eyes! Sleep to build CE at first, but once you are capped or near capped on CE you can swap to Bind and Poison for cheaper/faster casts to maintain your VE. Samurai is Drk's highest DPS sub job for normal play as a melee DPS. There's a whole food section at the bottom of this guide but it's worth mentioning to make sure to always use it, even on Colibri that steal your food. Trying to be #1 on the parse becomes a pissing contest most of the time that people will even sacrifice the whole group to just benefit themselves and their ego. 2022 DRK Guide | Dream Forum It can also be played as a tank at end game levels, relying on spells to generate aggro and mitigating damage with dread spikes, drains, and utsusemi. So you can use the gear suggested for a Torcleaver/Greatsword build(Resolution builds use another set thou)For Ambuscade GreatSword Nandaka Ground strike build.for Savage blade build with Naegling, for Ambuscade Scythe(Drepanum) Spiral Hell buildfor Apoclypse Relic scythe Catastrophe buildfor Anguta and cross reaper spam(entropy is another ws set)All the scythe builds for ws use ratri gear 4/5 or 3/5, but these sets also work just fine.So use whichever weapon you prefer, but this is mainly for the Great Axe build and it's a strong one!0:00 Intro1:38 Ranting3:23 Intro continues7:26 Drain 3 set13:44 Drain3 Example Self SC14:20 Drain3 Weaponbash+Keen Edge14:47 Drain3 \"Free nuke\"15:27 Drain3 In Dynamis-Divergence talk and tips16:20 TP Set22:43 Hybrid Set24:21 Armor Break WS SET26:23 Steel Cyclone, Upheaval \u0026 Fell Cleave WS Set30:45 Dread Spike Set31:18 Endark Set34:22 Self Skillchain Opener34:50 Self Skillchain Other35:15 OutroWeapon bash+Ignominy Gauntlets Skillchains for different weapons to use drain III Magic burst easy on: to more DRK gearsets that you can aim for after this: outdated, has some good info and some gear still relevant of course: helpful beginner links DRK guide! knight Gearswap Lua file you want to see me play live I stream over on Twitch multiple times a week, make sure to check me out over there at: you can catch me Live here on YouTube!Social media our discord channel! and donate------------------------------------Paypal\u0026business=JDAVLD4NPV5YW\u0026currency_code=SEK\u0026source=url----------------------------------------Patreon you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, smash that like and subscribe button and leave a comment. The choice is up to the player. The biggest reason for this is the ability Hasso, which is a 100% uptime +10% Haste, +10 Accuracy, and +5 Strength. Great Swords are at the lower scale of damage over time and has a lower rate of TP gain over time (i.e. Server: Cerberus. Regardless of your ACC+ ability. This spell also generates very high amounts of Enmity and can be used as a way to get snap hate. and our it takes longer for a Great Sword to reach 100%+ TP than using a Scythe). Imagine seeing that with a Kraken Club that hits its target 2-8 times per attack. For one, Bloody Bolts can drain the targets HP for no MP cost, and a lot faster than your spell Drain. GCDs at the end of uptime phases. Pretty much only used for Jormungand but absolutely amazing for that fight. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As a Tarutaru Dark Knight, you enjoy a wicked MP pool and intelligence in which to use it. 2 WSs ~1500 TP each would not kill the lamia, but 2 Judgments ~1750TP will. loses around 1.5% total damage output compared to the other sets. Dark Knights have a small MP pool, so your use of spells is quite strategic. These sets are for those needing to maximize their damage output in order to Great Swords are moderately fast at an average of 420-450 delay. Tredecim Scythe - This scythe is bad..currently. Warrior gives a nice boost to strength and dexterity, plus a trait for defense boost, and one of the most useful damage-dealing job abilities in the game: Berserk. Thank you in advance and again sorry if its been discussed before. The damage is abysmal and the exclusive WS Scourge is legitimately one of the worst weaponskills ever made with its CHR/MND mod. Cookie Notice Just check the set I posted a while back. Judgment is superior to Black Halo, so yeah. one Direct Hit IX each replaced with Determination. Red Curry - One of the very few attack+150 foods. All FFXI content and images . Offensively, Dark Knight gameplay involves building and spending both Mana and Blood while managing a suite of high-value offensive cooldowns. With the introduction of the Haste cap all the information that was in this section became obsolete and a lot of the fun nuance in zerging removed. He will then send you to a Galka named Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge. Utsusemi doesn't help much unless the mob constantly spams dangerous AoE's that hit for about 1k+. If you have this skill leveled, you might even want to bring these to parties in low to mid levels since they are better than Scythes and Great Swords. FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide, VI-2. replaced with Skill Speed and one Direct Hit meld replaced with Determination. A 2.40 GCD set . It has a decent defense rating at this level, and with spells can often take monsters down to one-hit KO range before they even reach you. Dark Knight | Classic FFXI community | Fandom I don't even get it sometimes. the only piece with IX materia in it. This is good sometimes, and literally useless sometimes, and deciding between this and Last Resort Recast is a challenge all Dark Knight's face. Next are your AF hands, which are pretty decent. Support basically. Are there any monsters in C that resist slashing more than 50% and at the same dont resist blunt, beside skeletons? Overview of Job Abilities, Traits, and Spells. This set posted has 400 accuracy, so with Hasso up is accuracy capped at the 410 mark we are looking for. This section will lay out specific best-in-slot gear configurations for Dark With average strength, a Mithras damage is high up there too. This has very little alternatives and I wouldn't honestly even bother with this set until you have the HQ Darksteel pieces. ok so i'm not SU3 yet so most of that i cant use but going by that set it looks like WSD and STR augs are what i'm looking for now. You can check your stats under an I just skimmed through it really *i dont play drk myself really* but i found it weird that Vbody wasnt mentioned at all. maximum value on both substats. Contents 1 Notes 2 Dark Knight Equipment Chart Notes This is the #1 utility ability that Drk has access to, you can stun giant -aga spells, pecking flurries, lock a mob down so it doesn't Mijin Gakure or Astral Flow, or just stun to let someone get shadows up. Does anyone have a set for these club WS's? Head to Giddeus. the exact pieces used are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync This includes daggers, swords, axes, great swords, great axes and scythes. helm. There's a lot of accuracy gear to play with in this set. Dark Knight Guide - Endwalker 6.3 - Final Fantasy XIV - Icy Veins this is a nice giude, ty for throwing out all that information, but it looks like your tp sets are /sam based. be done on any other slots that won't overcap on the chosen substat as a result, Dark Knight has a very low Marksmanship skill (E), but honestly skill levels don't matter too much until the 50s or 60s. do -10% PDT on cape instead of -dt you can drop defending ring for another moonlight. Or, if you feel like casting some catastrophic spells, hitting it with Absorb-INT works just as well. Thief is not a good sub job in my opinion, and I put it here purely to talk about why you shouldn't use this. For example, you hit a monster for 100 points of damage with Blood Weapon active. FINAL FANTASY is a . Dark Knights are melee damage dealers specializing in the use of Great Swords and Scythes. :-/ and what grind i need to be on weapon wise to get a decent one? This guide will cover basic endgame PLD/NIN gameplay for most encounters. What it does is will drain 100% of the damage you deal from the monster to you. For T2 Odin, refer to this page for battle pattern and rewards. 605. Replacing the speed is perfectly adequate. and 120-second cooldowns and should minimize rotational drift. Notes: Only practical in early levels, not worth using after a certain point. You do not have the skill ranks that Warrior does to make this viable. Muted Soul - This merit gives you -10 enmity when Souleater is up per level. A poorly-played Dark Knight can just die a whole lot or just be a crippled damage dealer. I'm finally making Caladbolg now, and I have a good idea of when it will get used versus when it won't.
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