They didnt ask me anything, but they seemed to want to see me, and they wanted the tobacco Id brought, but I was never quite sure I understood everything Amates was saying. Inside a family-owned, four-story townhouse with elegantly curving bay windows at 15 West 54th Streetjust around the corner from the Museum of Modern Art, which his mother, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, had helped foundguests began arriving at 8:30 p.m. to a private reception heralding the first exhibit of the Museum of Primitive Art, which would open to the public the following day. One. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Pegging the value of these holdings and trusts is tricky. It was a meaningless concept to them. - Party: Independent, Reform, Republican. I asked Amates to ask if anyone knew about Lepr and his raid, or even had been a witness to it. While Father van Kessel, who traveled by native canoe and decorated himself as the Asmat did, with cockatoo feathers and stripes of ocher and black ash, had always been warmly received in Otsjanep, Lepr feared the Asmat, and his fear was self-fulfilling. Back in Agats, I showed the video to Amates, who translated. Later, in 1974, he was appointed vice president of the United States by. The richest family in America is the Walton family who are worth $152 billion. But there was another side to him. The Asmat, living without TV or film or recording media of any kind, are splendid storytellers. - Net worth: $200 million. Seven months later, I returned to Asmat. But now, after more than 50 years, Jim. I had never told Amates that I was investigating Michaels disappearance, only that I was a journalist writing about Asmat and its history. Standard Oil of Ohio was bought out by BP (NYSE: BP); Standard Oil of California became Chevron (NYSE: CVX); Standard Oil of New York became Mobil; and, that's right, Standard Oil of New Jersey became Exxon.As you have no doubt concluded, the breakup did little to stop the Rockefeller family's influence on the American energy industry. It is believed the couple separated. Before being elected to the Maryland House of Representatives in 2012, Delaney made his fortune through the founding of two successful financial companies, Health Care Financial Partners and Capital Source. Dogs yelped and fought. His wealth was unimaginable to his contemporaries it's hard to say if it was exaggerated or understated. Of the 124 men who had set out, only 11 made it home alive. I was sure Kokai was telling the story of Michael Rockefeller. Amates arranged for us to stay in the schoolmasters house, four bare rooms. Although their father is a signatory to The Giving Pledge, a campaign to encourage extremely wealthy people to contribute a majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes, the . Hed made it to shore, only to be killed and eaten by the local Asmat headhunters. Steve Forbes. Always the elephant in the room, Donald Trump currently ranks at #912 on the Forbes Real-Time Billionaire List. Cornelius van Kessel, the priest Michael had been traveling to meet, had also been hearing things. Why did they kill him? he said. Otsjaneps motive for murder felt increasingly solid. To be one of them, just click here. He doesnt know, Amates said, but maybe in his 60s., "Does he remember a story about a Dutch raid, men being killed?. Here its hard to know where the water begins and the land ends, as the Arafura Seas 15-foot tides inundate the coast of southwest New Guinea, an invisible swelling that daily slides into this flat swamp and pushes hard against great outflowing rivers. Sure, you know the name "Rockefeller," as it belongs to one of the wealthiest families in the United States. This time, everything was different. Moreover, Washington received a salary of $25,000 during his presidency, over $800,000 in today's moneya sum that accounted for 2% of the country's budget at the time. When Kerry married Teresa in 1995, he was independently worth a few million. I heard the words Dombai and Otsjanep and turned my video camera on, but the theatrics seemed to be over and he just talked and talked, and after eight minutes, I hit the stop button. It outlines what the two priests reported and says: In my opinion some reservations need to be made. - Party: Democratic. - Net worth: $1.6 billion He said the name again, and then again, more slowly, and it was a hard name for an Asmat to pronounce, but this time it was unmistakable: Michael Rockefeller.. - Party: Republican. The Rockefellers are worth $11 billion today. He was the youngest son of New York governor Nelson Rockefeller and the newest member of a dynasty of millionaires founded by his famous great-grandfather, John D. Rockefeller one of the richest people who ever lived. You can find her books on Amazon here: https://a. Privacy Statement Forbes, the compiler with the longest record of wealth estimates for America's well-to-do, estimates patriarch David Rockefeller's net worth at $3.1 billion on the latest Forbes 400 list. At the time of his death, Mr Rockefeller was worth an estimated $3.3 billion, making him the world's 604th richest person, according to Forbes . The Asmat people were warriors drenched in blood, but Dutch colonial authorities and missionaries had already been in the area for almost a decade by the time Michael disappeared, and the Asmat had never killed a white. The villagers would remember every detail of the bullet damage, so shocking it was to them, the violence so fast and ferocious and magical to people used to hand-to-hand combat and wounding with spear or arrow. Even Kokai would say only, We have heard this story, but we dont know anything about that. Fifty years had passed, Kokai called me his younger brother; after all this time, would they really just look me in the eye and lie? That film, Dead Birds, was a groundbreaking ethnographic examination of a barely contacted, stone-age culture that engaged in constant ritual warfare. Theres still not a single road or automobile. Our aim will always be to select objects of outstanding beauty whose rare quality is the equal of works shown in other museums of art throughout the world, and to exhibit them so that everyone may enjoy them in the fullest measure.. Michael Bapis Rockefeller Capital Management New York, New York Learn about Top Advisor Directory Is this you? Suffice it to say that Donald, like many other presidential candidates on this list, didn't get to where he is on his own. In a corner stood spears, a bow and set of arrows, and six-foot-high shields, all carved by Kokai. A stream of canoes slipped past us, heading to the sea, some with women and children, some with men standing, their paddles dipping and stroking in perfect time with one another. Indeed, during Gore's presidential run, he was worth between $1.4 million and $2.5 million. You may also like: The history of voting in the United States, - Net worth: $300 million The candlelight flickered. - Net worth: $212 million - Year(s) ran: 2008, 2016 (lost) - Net worth: $200 million I heard the words tourist and Pep and Dombai and matidead. And how could he make his primitive art-collecting father prouder than by going to its source and plunging in deeper than the forceful governor and presidential candidate had ever dreamed? - Party: Democratic-Republican. A carved paddle from Easter Island. 'Frontlines' is a 'Call Of Duty' clone made in Roblox. Expert woodcarvers in a land without stone, the Asmat crafted ornate shields, paddles, drums, canoes and ancestor poles, called bisj, embodying the spirit of an ancestor. According to Forbes, in 2016, the remaining Rockefellers had a combined net worth of $11 billion, making them the 23rd wealthiest family in America. Michael Rockefeller was just 18 years old that night, and its easy to imagine the power the event had for him. Now and then you could see dogs walking around with parts of a foot or hand whichafter sufficient rottingfell off the platforms, wrote Anton van de Wouw, the priest who had replaced van Kessel. - Net worth: $120 Million (Combined with husband, Bill Clinton) The New England Patriots plan to release 37-year-old quarterback Brian Hoyer at the beginning of the 2023 league year, as first reported by SiriusXM NFL's Adam Caplan. No trace of him was ever found, despite a two-week search involving ships, airplanes, helicopters and thousands of locals prowling the coasts and jungle swamps. His eyes went big to show fright; he showed running with his arms and shoulders, then slinking, creeping into the jungle. Four bullets ripped into Osomhis biceps, both armpits and his hip. Michael returned to Asmat in October 1961. The jeu that would later break away. There had been an off-Broadway play about him, a novel, a rock song, even a television show in the 1980s hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The day Michael had set off from the catamaran, 50 men from Otsjanep had brought palm building supplies to the government post in Pirimapun, about 20 miles south of Otsjanep. Hed grown up with his two sisters and two brothers in the family townhouse in Manhattan and on the Rockefeller estate in Westchester County. In December 1961, a month after Michael disappeared, a Dutch Catholic priest named Hubertus von Peij traveled to Omadesep, which lay at the southern end of his parish. When I asked about Leprs raid they grew quiet. Bill Clinton's fortune was built primarily after his presidencyupon exiting office in 2001, the Clintons carried with them between $6 million and $12 million in legal fees and debt incurred during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, much of which was eventually covered by a legal defense fund. This may seem high, especially in light of the above Journalquote, but make no mistake: The Rockefeller family is still a force to be reckoned with. From humble beginnings, Washington amassed his wealth through the farming of his 8,000-acre property and enslavement of 123 people. Less than a month after Michael disappearedand within two weeks after they called off the search for himDutch authorities had von Peijs and van Kessels reports. I wanted a much better understanding of Asmat culture and in particular Otsjaneps village structure: who the men Lepr had killed were, and how they were related to the men named in van Kessels and von Peijs reports. Presidential candidates on this list are ordered by their most recently reported net wealth. The business skyrocketed when it began selling OxyContin in 1995. For candidates no longer living, that - Net worth: $100 million (Had he lived, Kennedy likely would have become worth $1 billion in current dollars by inheriting a family fortune.) Forbes, the compiler with the longest record of wealth estimates for America's well-to-do, estimates patriarch David Rockefeller's net worth at $3.1 billion on the latest Forbes 400 list. The 2020 presidential and congressional elections were America's most expensive campaign cycles to date. After dawn on November 19, Michael told Wassing he was worried theyd drift into the open sea. Those that remember Al Gore as an influential environmental advocate may be surprised to see him so high on this list. - Year(s) ran: 2020 (lost) Advertising Notice Amates talked, the men nodded. During his failed 2008 presidential run, Romney poured $44 millionapproximately $60 million todayof his own money into his campaign. In addition to vice president and governor, Rockefeller did time, twice, as a cabinet secretary. Copyright (c) 2014 by Carl Hoffman. Then, pandemonium: Shots rang out from all directions. - Party: Democratic. Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2014..of the book completely. The only jeu that hadnt lost its war leader was Pirienthe only jeu from which Lepr had killed no one, and which van Kessel and von Peij had reported had been against Michaels killing. I froze. They were starting to make me feel crazy. I decided I had to go back, and to go deeper. He has a new wife in Basim, so hes here a lot. Kokai sat down on the floor with us, and Amates brought out tobacco and rolling papers. The Asmat panicked and bolted into the jungle. An accounting clerk by trade, Rockefeller turned a $4,000 investment in a Cleveland oil refinery into one of the largest fortunes in modern human history. Case in point, there's the saga of Michael Rockefeller. The fact that such a simple, banal thing had happened to him made what was happening to us feel all the more real. No death just happened; even sickness came at the hand of the spirits because the spirits of the dead person were jealous of the living and wanted to linger and cause mischief. But on the other hand it has become clear to them that headhunting and cannibalism is not much appreciated by a government institution all but unknown to them, with which they had only incidental contact. Wassing was spotted from the air that afternoon and rescued the next morning. I found it compelling that in this remote corner of the world the Rockefellers and their power and money had been impotent, had come up with nothing. Indeed, in his Wall Street Journal piece "Do the Rockefellers Still Matter?," Robert Frank writes, "With more than 150 living blood relatives of John D. Rockefeller Sr., many members of the latest generation of the family -- known as the 'fifth-sixth' generation -- aren't likely to be able to live off their dwindling family trusts, according to people close to the family.". Von Peij felt overwhelmed. That was the last anyone knew of Michael Rockefeller. They occasionally shared wives. He told me about his journey when I met him one cold winters night in Tilburg, the Netherlands, in 2012. Some men took him into the jungle, dug in the muck and produced a skull and bones, the skull bearing no lower jaw and a hole in the right templethe hallmarks of remains that had been headhunted and opened to consume the brains. It's worth noting that most presidential candidates have a degree of wealth far beyond that of the everyday Americanand indeed, most U.S. federal politicians in general are many times richer than their constituents. Reprinted by permission. Lacey Ann McKeon and Steven Clark Rockefeller III were married April 6 at St. Joseph's Church in West Orange, N.J. November 1961 in Niederlndisch-Neuguinea ( Westneuguinea ), drei Jahre spter fr tot erklrt) war ein Mitglied der Rockefeller -Familie, der jngste Sohn des New Yorker Gouverneurs und 41. The author of a new book on the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller in 1961 claims to have solved one of America's most enduring mysteries. Only in the mid-1950s had a few Dutch missionaries and government officials begun pacifying the Asmat, but even by 1961 many had never seen a Westerner, and inter-village warfare and headhunting remained common. He and his partners did quite well, thanks (in part) to the Civil War, which broke out just as Rockefeller was beginning his business career. They saw a crocodilean ew, in the Asmat language. Michael Clark Rockefeller (* 18. They rested atop stark white cylinders and cubes, illuminated by track lighting against white walls. From the helicopters and hiding in the jungle, Kokai talked about a cholera epidemic that had swept through Asmat. Its teeming with shrimp and crabs and fish and clams. Kokai had moved from one story to the next as if they were part of the same event, and it hit me: What if the epidemic had been seen as the spirits punishment for killing Michael Rockefeller? Lepr looked left, he looked right, equally unsure what to do. The FTX founder would also be prohibited from using his parents devices. In order to finance the run, West deployed the vast fortune he earned through a combination of his music catalog, his streetwear brand, and real estate assets. The stories Id heard were all secondhand; everyone in Asmat knew the men in Otsjanep had killed Michael, but none of them there or in Pirien had admitted the killing to me. They had something they wanted to tell the priest. Heres His New Pick, Shark Tank Just Revealed a Trillion-Dollar Idea, Motley Fool Founders Issue New Stock Buy Alert. John D. Rockefeller. - Party: Democratic. Bloomberg spent more than $1 billion in just over three months on his failed 2020 presidential campaignmore money than any candidate in history. Hornbills with five-inch beaks and blue necks. It certainly strengthened their case for evangelizing and modernizing them. The Dutch flag was not accepted.. He, too, was well, at age 73. America's first president was also its second wealthiest. Delaney's use of his personal finances even included trying to drum up new donations by pledging to donate $2 to charity for each new donor contribution, up to 100,000 new donors. His traveling party included, among others, Gerbrands and Ren Wassing, a government anthropologist assigned to him from the Dutch New Guinea Department of Native Affairs. I spent hours looking at that photo, wondering what Michael had seen and felt, wondering what had really happened to him, wondering if I might be able to solve the mystery. In its 10,000 square miles, there is but one airstrip, and outside of the main city of Agats, there isnt a single cell tower. He remembers, Amates said. While Roosevelt experienced a few financial setbacks before his presidency, his wealth remained consistent and available to him before, during, and after his time in office. In 1984 he formed Bain Capital, and through leveraged buyouts the company was able to accrue over $4 billion, hundreds of millions of which was paid out to Romney. When David Rockefeller Sr. died March 20, at the age of 101, he was worth $3.3 billion, according to Forbes. Forget Apple! Three Papuan policemen sent with gifts of a Dutch flag and some steel axes returned quickly. View the profiles of professionals named "Michael Rockefeller" on LinkedIn. Another night I was sitting with Kokai and another man, smoking and talking, when they started speaking so quickly to each other I couldnt keep up. For the first time we could speak directly to each other, and I felt a veil had been lifted. His father Joseph Kennedy, whose own father Patrick Kennedy had found success as a whiskey importer and casino owner, became one of the 15 richest people in America through two primary meansbuying a failing Hollywood studio in the 1920s and turning around the business, and shorting the stock market just before the 1929 crash that set off the Great Depression. No one shook my hand. Amates English was slow, the words hard to comprehend no matter what he said. The former undrafted free agent's contract includes $1.4 million in remaining guaranteed salary. He slapped his thighs, his chest, his forehead, then swept his hands over his head, illustrating the back of his head blowing off. He was small, 5 feet 7 and 140 pounds or so, with a prominent jaw, a big nose and deep-set eyes. They are very, very afraid. Sporting the last name and inheritance of one of America's richest familial dynasties, Nelson Rockefeller attempted to capture the Republican nomination for president three times, failing each time. Michael's great-grandfather, John D., founded Standard Oil and became the world's first billionaire. Terms of Use Nelson Rockefeller, seven months into the adventure of a lifetime that had transformed him from clean-cut student to bearded photographer and art collector. The rivers are navigable highways. On November 28, nine days after Michael had swum away, his father and sister flew home. The sheer number of Rockefeller descendants clearly makes pegging the actual wealth of the family extremely difficult, if not impossible; with it mired in hundreds of trusts and real estate holdings (including, in the past, the World Trade Center and Rockefeller Center), we can merely guess. Presidents Day provides an opportunity to look at how wealth has played into the campaigns of past presidential candidates. I had never so much as mentioned his name. There was their world, and there was the kingdom of the ancestors across the seas, known as Safan, and an in-between world, and all were equally real. But on the right stood a group armed with bows and arrows and spears and shields. Better known for his role as the former editor-in-chief of Forbes, a magazine founded by his grandfather, Steve Forbes twice lost the Republican nomination for president, in 1996 and 2000, spending $69 million of his own money on the attempts. It was big news back in late 1961 when Michael Rockefeller vanished off the coast of New Guinea. NEW YORK, Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Rockefeller and Company ("Company")a leading global wealth management firm serving high-net-worth individuals . The two teenagers, born on the rivers, jumped in and swam for the nearby shore. In 1960, he would run for the presidency. Salesforce beat earnings-per-share estimates after the closing bell on March 1, 2023. Everything pointed to Michaels killingeven van de Wouw had written in 1968, after years closely connected with the village, It is clear that [he] came to the shore alive. Yet the sons of the men accused of killing him would admit nothing, directly. - Party: Democratic, Independent, Republican. Michael was tall and slender, clean-shaven and square-jawed like his father, with thick, black-rimmed glasses. Akon took shots to the midsection, Samut to the chest. On February 20, 1957, in a city of concrete and steel 6,000 times bigger than the largest hamlet in Asmat, Nelson Rockefeller introduced the world to a new kind of seeing. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. The river twisted and wound, and then the trees cleared. The natives, although uncivilized, are very kind and will always help you.. Of the five dead in the Lepr raid, four had been the most important men in Otsjanep, the heads of four of the five jeus. The men were building a new jeu and I spent hours, days waiting as they drummed and sang and danced, the men draped in dogs teeth necklaces, boar tusks around their arms and on their heads cuscus fur headbands sprouting the feathers of sulphur-crested cockatoos. Harvard labor economist Claudia Goldin summarises the distance we've travelled over the past hundred years, in a kind of Five Ages of Women. In his book Outliers, author Malcolm Gladwell estimated the value of Rockefeller's fortune at its peak, in today's dollars, at $318.3 billion. And they are afraid., Otsjanep killed him. Nelson was dressed in the height of New York tribal finery: black tie. He and his son John Jr. dedicated. The 5,000 acres of plantation land that Jefferson received in 1757 were his primary source of income, though following his presidency, Jefferson squandered much of that wealth. A wave drowned their outboard and the catamaran began to drift; then the waves capsized it. Children gathered, pressing close. On the list went: who had his upper arms, forearms, ribs, shorts, glasses, a total of 15 men. Michael graduated cum laude from Harvard with a B.A. Rockefeller eventually brought his brother, William, as well as chemist Samuel Andrews and businessman Andrew Flagler, into the business. John's grandson David was the oldest living billionaire at age 101 before his death in 2017; his will designated most of his wealth for charity. - Year(s) ran: 1960, 1964, 1968 (lost) What kind of clothes was he wearing?, Their answer burned in his memory: The white man was wearing shorts, but shorts theyd never seen before and that you couldnt buy in Asmatshorts that ended high up on his legs and had no pockets. Maybe the priests and the patrol officer wanted to believe the Asmat had killed and eaten Michael. You may also like: States with the most conservatives. - Year(s) ran: 2000 (lost) There are flocks of brilliant red-and-green parrots. He is a second cousin of Michael Rockefeller, son of. And in the handful of years since Hillary's defeat, the Clintons have continued to add to their wealth. The Rockefeller fortune began with oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, America's first billionaire, who founded Standard Oil in 1870. - Year(s) ran: 2020 (lost) He wanted to avoid the speculative notion of actually finding the oil -- true businessmen refined the black gold. Add a paid profile Advisors do not pay a fee for placement on Forbes Top Advisor. Faratsjam was hit in the head, and the rear of his skull blew off. Lived: 1839-1937. Michael Clark Rockefeller (18 de mayo de 1938-desaparecido el 19 de noviembre de 1961) fue el quinto y ms joven de los hijos del gobernador de Nueva York y vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller y de Mary Todhunter.Miembro de la cuarta generacin de la familia Rockefeller, desapareci durante una expedicin en la regin Asmat, al sudoeste de la Nueva Guinea . His T-shirt was stained, dotted with small holes. Kokai pantomimed the pulling of a bow. Some introduced themselves. At the time of his death in 1937, John. He bought it for about $30 million in 2000; it's worth an estimated $120. First as assistant secretary of state for American republic affairs under Roosevelt and then. Finally! With no sense of irony, he wrote: This was one kind of object that seemed to me inviolate for the encroachment of western commercialism upon Asmat art. In the southern village of Omadesep hed bought a set of four on his first trip; they now stand in the Michael C. Rockefeller Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which absorbed the collections of the Museum of Primitive Art after it closed in 1976. I asked nothing relating to Michael for almost two weeks. He and his son John Jr. dedicated themselves to philanthropy, giving away more than $1 billion and establishing the University of Chicago. Today, the Rockefeller fortune is spread out among more than 70 heirs. The daughters of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Georgina (right) and Emma are already fabulously wealthy, with Georgina's net fortune estimated at US$39 million. In fact, the Dutch government investigation was just beginning. November 12, 1939. Nelson went on to serve 14 years as governor of New York, and three years as vice president of the United Stateshaving been appointed to the role by Gerald Ford in 1974, rather than elected on a ballot. Michael Rockefeller? I asked, feigning ignorance. The tank plus-up, which Ukrainian ambassador to the United Kingdom Vadym Prystaiko announced on Saturday, should come as no surprise. What to do? Michael Rockefeller, nacido el 18 de mayo de 1938 en una acaudalada familia, siempre se interes por las culturas y civilizaciones del mundo, alejndose de la trayectoria poltica y econmica . The political situation was becoming awkward, van de Waal said; the Dutch were about to lose their half of New Guinea to newly independent Indonesia. Though his business ventures have spread far and wide, Trump's wealth derives primarily from his New York City real estate holdings. The Dutch government, engaged in a struggle with Indonesia and the United States to retain its last colony in the east, a policy predicated on presenting Papua as a civilized, smoothly functioning semi-independent entity, said nothing. Michaels field notes from his first trip to Asmat and the letters he wrote reveal a deepening seriousness regarding his collecting. Wassing joined him again and in Agats he badgered a Dutch patrol officer into selling him his homemade catamaran, into which Michael stuffed a wealth of barter goodssteel axes, fishing hooks and line, cloth and tobacco, to which the Asmats had become addicted. A secret billion-dollar stock opportunity The world's biggest tech company forgot to show you something, but a few Wall Street analysts and the Fool didn't miss a beat: There's a small company that's powering their brand-new gadgets and the coming revolution in technology. - Net worth: $230 million Michael Clark Rockefeller was born in 1938. That is where the author gets taken in by an Aussie desperado's deception that Michael is still alive (in the late 60's). . He was 23 years old, the privileged son of New York Gov. But in reality, things are a bit more complicated. Because of the killings in Otsjanep almost four years earlier, they saidthe Lepr raid. The Met's collection of art of the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific Islands, and North, Central, and South America comprises more than eleven thousand works of art of varied materials and types, representing diverse cultural traditions from as early as 3000 B.C.E. At Montpelier, Madison enslaved roughly 100 people over the course of running his plantation, which focused primarily on tobacco. No. As they began to cross the mouth of the Betsj River, conflicting tides and winds whipped up waves and crosscurrents. - Year(s) ran: 1824, 1828 (won) MSD Capital, Mr. Dell's $16 billion . In the evenings, Heider was astonished to see the wealthiest member of the team darning his socks. in history and economics, but he yearned for something else. In the jungle there are wild pig, the furry, opossumlike cuscus, and the ostrichlike cassowary. Michael Clark Rockefeller (May 18, 1938 - presumed to have died November 19, 1961) was the fifth child of New York Governor and former U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. Bit by bit, it spilled out. We stopped first in Pirien, a quarter-mile downriver from Otsjanep; it had originally been one of five jeus in Otsjanep, but had broken away sometime after Michael disappeared. $1.4 billion. - Party: Republican. Fin, who had allegedly taken Michaels skull. Dec. 6, 2019 5:30 am ET. He'd grown up with his two sisters and two brothers in the family townhouse in. - Party: Democratic. "Rockefeller's fortune peaked in 1912 at almost $900,000,000, but his estate totaled only $26,410,837 when he died," Parr writes, "making him the biggest . His marriage to Teresa Heinz, heiress to the Heinz ketchup fortune, however, elevated Kerry's net worth beyond that of most presidential candidates. Having actually retired from day-to-day operations in the late 1890s, he received an equal share in the 34 "Baby Standards" that were created.