Compared to other rodents, guinea pigs (both in captivity and in the wild) will very rarely choose to eat their offspring. Having your guinea pig give birth to a litter should be an exciting time. The earlier and more regularly you handle them, the more likely they are to accept you. As a whole, guinea pigs do not eat their offspring, but it can happen. If you have an affectionate male guinea pig, you can introduce the babies when they are in the same cage. Place one hand under their tummy and one behind their bottom, and hold the little guy close to you. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. Guinea pigs are not capable of "missing". If youre not looking for a specific breed or sex of guinea pig, rescuing one from a shelter is a great way to meet your new pet. Spaying a female guinea pig can be a risky procedure that not all veterinarians are willing to attempt. Breeding and reproduction of Guinea pigs All other pets Merck veterinary manual. A guinea pig baby can show mating behaviors at about three to four weeks of age. If it does occur, the reasons will probably differ slightly from that of other species, and its important to understand these reasons in order to try to prevent it from happening: Most female guinea pigs will never eat their live young on purpose. Male guinea pigs (boars) usually mature sexually and can mate as young as 2-3 months of age. The all natural Piggies Choice Hay Racks are available finally! However, both males and females can mature and be fertile even earlier. Pregnant and lactating guinea pigs also need alfalfa hay to sustain their babies. Babies grow fast. National Geographic. But, fruit should only be given as an occasional treat. Caring for baby guinea pigs can be a rewarding experience if you know what to expect. Your guinea pig will be frustrated if their youngsters are upset or stressed. Housing your guinea pig is not particularly difficult, as there are a large variety of hutches and cages commercially available. B., Auditory spatial responses of young guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during and after ear blocking, Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1978. We placed an additional water bottle in the cage so that it was low enough for the babies to reach it. Guinea Pigs make excellent pets due to their playful, social nature. She is then back to cuddles and snuggles. This can hurt their health and well-being. To most people, guinea pigs are cute pets, and having just one will suffice. On the other hand, if it turns out that they dont form any attachment to their young, then we can rest assured knowing that there isnt anything we need to worry about. They're all grown now, but they keep me busy! Guinea pigs diet rests on grasses, herbs, hay, and raw fruits and vegetables. Guinea pigs are different from many other species; they are born with teeth and fur, and almost immediately they can see and walk around. Once the mother gives birth to her babies to the nest, she won't be paying much heed to the nest anymore. The extra calories should be provided until she stops nursing her newborn babies. Do guinea pigs miss their babies? When you touch them be soft and gentle. Equally, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their babies because they dont eat meat. Thats what they do while also making your life a much brighter place. If guinea, Read More What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat? Do Chickens Get Lonely? Make sure your pig has a lot of food. If you have a pregnant guinea pig, consider giving the her cage an upgrade, so she can take care of her pups comfortably. If a stillborn is not removed from the cage promptly, it might be eaten fairly quickly by the mother. A typical guinea pig pup weighs between 60 and 115 grams and measures close to 3 to 5 inches long. Its just as important that your baby guinea pig also spends most of their time with other guinea pigs. An adult female guinea pig will never harm or eat newborn babies. The bond between a mother and her baby is crucial for the babys development. Many people believe that male guinea pigs eat their babies as well. I also enjoy doing things outdoors, like hiking and camping. Its understandable to feel that way. Dont separate them from their mother too soon. What is always important is to provide your pet guinea pigs with the best living conditions for the survival of the mother and the babies. Guinea pigs are cute and quite intelligent pets. Although they spring out with open eyes and fully furred, piggie pups are still small and fragile at first. Explain to them that they have not been replaced or that their babies have replaced your guinea pig. If one or two guinea pig pups seem to suddenly vanish from their cage, it doesnt necessarily mean theyve been eaten. It is also quite normal for baby guinea pigs to whine when approached by a much bigger and older guinea pig. Sometimes, male Guinea pigs will eat pups if they were fathered by another cavy. Baby guinea pigs feed on their mothers milk but soon they will need lots of alfalfa hay thats rich in calcium. And, when it happens, it is usually an accident, not a rule, and intentional behavior. How Can You Prevent Your Guinea Pig from Eating Its Young? What Should I Do if My Guinea Pig Eats (Or Kills) Her Babies? And make sure that the guinea pig mother is not present. Be quiet and move slowly around baby guinea pigs. It will also well as putting her at risk for developing diseases like toxaemia. The information on this website should not be take as a substitute for professional advice. If possible, you should be present during the birth to provide support and comfort to the mother. Yet, the mother guinea pig will take care of them during the first few weeks, so dont separate them from her. It can be hard to tell when your pregnant guinea pig is going to deliver her babies because unlike dogs and cats, they do not prepare a nest. Just like with taming older guinea pigs be patient and consistent. We knew for sure that we had one male and two females, but it was still hard for us to tell with the fourth guinea pig. Do Guinea Pigs Eat Their Babies? Garner-Richardson, V., Guinea Pig Nutrition, The Veterinary Nurse, 2013. Newborn guinea pigs should be kept with their mom for at least 3 weeks. Having a guinea pig as a pet is a wonderful experience. When Do Guinea Pigs Stop Growing and How Big Do They Get? But, when a pet parent has makes an intentional choice to breed, its really not worth the risk in most cases. It can be a little surprising to witness, but its completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about. Although, some green beans and always bring us back together. All of the babies are usually born within 30 minutes once labor begins. New Plymouth Vet Group. Its important to remember that guinea pigs are prey animals and they can get intimidated very easily. But, can guinea pigs eat them? If a typical guinea pig male suspects that the babies are not his own (whether or not this is the case in reality), he may kill and eat them. Once they are one to two finger-widths apart, it wont be long untilbirth.. For the first 2-3 weeks , they will rely on their mother for milk. It's often the result of starvation, stress, inexperience, or trauma. They might surprise you with how busy and outgoing they are too. Certainly not, they only remember their parents for a particular period. Lake Shore Veterinary Hospital offers the following helpful advice: If you touch her belly a couple of centimeters ahead of the anus, you will be able to feel that the pelvic bones have spread apart. Use the tips in this post to understand why piggies eat their babies and to prevent it from happening. Can the male guinea pig stay with the mother and babies? However, male guinea pigs shouldnt eat their young at all because guinea pigs are herbivores. They will nurse every two hours for the first three weeks. Firstly, please provide them with plenty of toys and treats to keep them occupied. Common diseases in domestic guinea pigs include respiratory infections, diarrhea, itching, and boils due to infection (often the neck, throat, or external scratches). A female guinea pig usually wont eat a baby guinea pig deliberately. To help you, weve written more about how to tame a guinea pig here. Guinea Pigs do best when living with at least one similar companion, and pets that live without another Guinea pig sometimes become lonely and depressed. Besides, guinea pigs should eat about 1/8 of pellets, and about a cup of a mixture of herbs, vegetables, and fruits, but all in moderate amounts. This is called precociality. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. However, we always recommend having more than one guinea pig because these small animals are social creatures and they need company. Guinea pigs may miss their parents, but more research must confirm this. At those moments, the guinea pig mother can be very protective and you can be mistaken for a potential predator. Well be discussing more about this in todays article. Keep your little friend calm. Pet owners know that keeping a guinea pig as a pet is a wonderful experience. The largest guinea pig litter recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records contained a whopping 17 pups! However, dont keep them in the same cage for long. If your guinea pig becomes restless or starts to squeak loudly it is a sign that he is ready to go back to his cage. By their second week, you wont be able to miss how much your baby guinea pigs have grown already. Whereas there are over 13 Guinea Pig breeds, English, Abyssinian, and Peruvian Guinea Pigs are the most well-liked. (Find Out Now). She is more likely to eat her babies as she can confuse the placenta and the babies. Unlike many other animals in the animal kingdom, guinea pigs are not self-sufficient. While the baby boars can be separated in just three weeks once they are fully weaned, the baby sows can remain with the mother for up to 4 weeks from the time of birth. At three weeks of age it was still hard for us to tell the difference between the males and females. Its natural for you and me to humanize the behavior of animals. Although guinea pigs need the presence of other guinea pigs, attention from human beings is also essential for their well-being. Guinea pig litters can contain up to eight pups, but two, three or four is more usual. You have entered an incorrect email address! And of course, when you run a finger over the area, you wont feel a penis! Baby guinea pigs typically stay with their mother for about three weeks, but this can vary depending on the situation. They need it in unlimited amounts, as it helps them keep their teeth trimmed and ensures the proper functioning of their sensitive digestive system. A male guinea pig might seriously injure his babies because he is territorial and feels intimidated. Additionally, when her babies are born she may eat them in order to prevent them from taking up the little space she has. One of the ways they do this is through "wheeking". New guinea pig breeds are formalised by the American Cavy Breeders Association, who also oversee breed standards and competitions in the United States. Weaning age depends on several factors including the pups weight, the mothers milk supply, and the number of siblings. Do not over-handle the mother or you could cause her stress which will lead . It was fascinating to watch our new mom clean up after her newborn baby guinea pigs. However, they can seriously injure them when they recognize that the babies are not theirs, also because they are intimidated and territorial. Some guinea pig moms have their maternity care kicked in as they give birth while others take some time . Do guinea pigs remember their parents? Im guessing you probably have a lot of questions about guinea pig pregnancies. Many others survive but have problems.Additionally, theres thousands (if not tens of thousands) of piggies without good homes now. This is for several reasons: You should find this post helpful: Can A Father Guinea Pig Be With The Babies? Female cavies are called sows and males are called boars. Now, if you have a dog or even a cat, you are sure it misses you when you have to go to work but do guinea pigs miss their owners? Read More Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clementines? When you do approach the a baby guinea pig, be careful to move slowly and gently. (Fun Facts). However, in captivity that shouldnt happen at all because responsible pet owners keep them separate from pregnant and lactating sows and their babies. Guinea pigs and other rodents do not eat their babies because they are hungry. From the moment they are born they are unusually mature and capable of looking after themselves. In the meantime, if you havent seen enough sweet pictures of baby guinea pigs yet, then why not visit our compilation of favorite guinea pig videos. Your Baby Guinea Pig What To Expect And How To Look How long do guinea pig babies stay with mom? When they dont respond to her attention, she tries cleaning them more and more vigorously, until eventually she ends up damaging them. But, give them time to bond with their mother so they can nurse. Sadly yes, guinea pig mothers do sometimes eat their newborn young. Male guinea pigs have a donut-shaped opening. Guinea pigs don't wheek in the wild. Baby guinea pigs are capable of digesting solid food very soon after birth (within hours). Yes, guinea pigs eat their babies albeit very rarely, mostly by accident. You need to be able to provide your guinea pigs with regular ample attention all the time. Why Do Guinea Pigs Sometimes Kill Their Young? (Find Out Now), Can A Father Guinea Pig Be With The Babies? It is important to consider the space between the bars of your guinea pig cage. Sufficient nutrition, a mixture of alfalfa and timothy grass, keeps female guinea pigs hydrated and can prevent guinea pigs from eating their babies. Watch this video to learn more about guinea pig. The best thing you can do is provide adequate and proper nutrition to the new guinea pig mother. During pregnancy your sow will need lots of energy and vitamin C, so make sure her hay doesnt run out, and offer a larger helping of fresh fruit and veg every day. On the other hand, a male guinea pig eats guinea pig babies when they recognize that the babies are not theirs, also because they are intimidated and territorial. If you want some more information on guinea pig interactions, check out these posts: The Truth About Single Guinea Pigs (Is It Okay To Just Have One?) In our research, we could not find a definitive age when guinea pigs are declared adults; however, they reach sexual maturity by four weeks of age. There is a chance that your sow will only partially eat her offspring, particularly if she killed them by accident. But another remarkable thing about baby guinea pigs is just how grown up their appetites are! (Find Out Now)Continue. They are born precocial, which means they already have teeth and fur, and from their earliest moments they can see, hear, and move about. Ahhhh, clementines. Well chart the milestones of their first days and weeks, and find out what to expect if you discover your female guinea pig is expecting. Just simply focusing on your guinea pigs and trying to chat with them every day can go a long way. Lets explain why guinea pigs may eat their babies. While it is certainly possible that guinea pigs may experience separation anxiety after their babies have been taken away, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that this is the case. Female guinea pigs have a Y-shaped opening close to their anus. If separated from their parents, they may become anxious and depressed. If a baby guinea pig is orphaned, it is essential to find a surrogate mom as soon as possible. In some cases, guinea pigs may lick or try to groom you as a sign of affection. The more factors that are present, the higher likelihood shell eat her pups. If her diet doesnt contain enough vital vitamins and nutrients, she can still be malnourished whilst receiving enough calories to maintain her body weight. This often happens when owners of female guinea pigs discover an unplanned pregnancy and arent able to care for all the babies. If your sow has eaten her own babies, you may want to consider changing her living conditions. On the other hand if youll be helping a sow to raise a litter of pups from birth, theres rather more to think about. Baby guinea pigs are much smaller than their parents, so they can escape from the cage. Here you'll find the juicy goods to care for your little friends WITHOUT making your brain short-circuit. The size of the pups is often relative to how many pups there are in the litter. Under certain circumstances, the sow may eat her offspring for various reasons. A baby guinea pig is called a pup. well as the new Pigg. It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best. Aggression between two newly introduced guinea pigs is very common and If your guinea pig is finding it hard to deal with the change of a new cage mate, try engaging him in more interaction with you than ever before. So, if youve been wanting to know if guinea pigs usually miss their owners, we hope you have the answer now. Also, after delivery, the mother guinea pig can eat babies accidentally, while eating the placenta. At six weeks old baby guineas pigs are fully weaned, and have stopped nursing from their mother. (Find Out Now),,,,,,,, Removing the male guinea pig(s) will also.