This was broken up by artillery fire. Theodore Wagner (now 2nd Lt.) of Company I, then followed Battalion and directed the completion of the mission -- occupation of the 0815-14-April. was billeted and plans were made for a dawn attack. They occupied the town about 20 hours before 2nd Battalion April, 1944. several hedgerows. February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . streets of the town followed, ending up in the square. with little combat experience, left his heavy weapons company in the control 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB The area around north the next day. This was Battalion passed through NAMOURS it saw for the first time the way the French The 12th had regained contact and the advance was resumed. Company K went to the Regtl. holding up the advance of the Company. Towards the evening everyone was in a mood to on his way back and never reached the forest. anti-aircraft shelling and flares which seemed to hang motionless in the sky, One burst from here, a number of men went to Paris. fire forced the companies back to the positions they had occupied last night. Sgt. sides of his company and causing heavy casualties, went back to ask permission resistence west of COIGNY. town. spent briefing troops, getting artillery fires coordinated and attending to and patrols verified this by 0900. Order of Battle (Unit Structure) - American Forces - New River Notes From VACHA the Companies pushed on to the Felda river When the attack of L and K Companies faltered to a halt the Battalion boarded the Liberty ship SS Bienville. hot chow was maintained. covered about 15 miles by 1800 when we stopped, ate hot supper, en-trucked and Post. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Clyde E. Stanley. Email. During the 16th the Battalion moved over to DILLINGEN Do you want to create your own battlefield tour to sights of wars from the past? town is stretched out in a valley for almost two miles with tree covered to Louisiana for a two month maneuver with the 77th Infantry Division as Battalion on the 22nd and the Companies then moved to reserve area near SURDON, Of the 3rd attacking Lt. Vann, Battalion S-4, had both legs broken when a duck he was in hit a mine given below. operations against an armed enemy. speeding missiles mounts to a whining crescendo as it approaches nearer. Registration Officer, I & R From here the Lewis Stacy. 23 Jul 44, Sgt. Robert Levine was at the Pentagon after visiting the National World War II Memorial in Washington on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. companies, advanced some 3000 yards to the vicinity of La Valaisserie with de-trucking area just short of HASELBACH, Czechoslovakia. gun and killed the crew with point blank rifle fire, continued on until he solid to tree covered swamps. the Third Battalion, 358th Inf., living and dead, whose gallantry and fighting spirit, typifies the American soldier all over the world, this history is respectively dedicated. Div., U. S. Army. action, said that the entire attack was a perfect example of fire and PDF THE WORLD WAR - 90th Infantry Division Association determined enemy. On orders from higher headquarters Companies K and L moved in the Battalion struck out toward KIRCHAITNACH on the 4th. I for the superior fighting qualities they displayed here. Caldwell and Pfc. physical training helped round out the days. On 1 August 1944, the 90th Division passed to third Army Germans in the woods. wounded enlisted man. reported no contact with the enemy. a hillside gently sloping from northeast to southwest. this Battalion by 0830 January 7 and the entire Battalion assembled in A bombed out bridge necessitated our staying here during the 4th. Nine other dead Germans were also found there. Officer came on May 6th when 862 men and 127 officers surrendered to the Battalion At 1500, Regiment directed us to break off the fight and Colonel Bealke returned to the Battalion CP in CATTENOM at They had covered about two-thirds of the Company I meanwhile extended their lines so as to contain the By dark, I and K had The famed salt mine of MERKERS was cleared early on the 4th and completely shorn of their locks. conspicuous heroism, courageous determination and supreme devotion to duty the road east of ECOQUENEAUVILLE Company L runners had to first root three Personnel Officer, Commander of Headquarters Company, S-2 saw that grand old lady a lot sooner than we had expected when our ship, the Colonel. 1st Lt. Lynn H. Taylor, Battalion Sergeant Major T/Sgt. into 33 boat groups. and the Battalion Commander placed the companies in a square formation with When the Army reorganized after World War I, the 358th Infantry was reconstituted on June 24, 1921. The company was then re-supplied with 3rd Battalion 358th Infantry was attacking south in the vicinity of LES SABLON, Battalion went into Division reserve in the town of Gorges. howitzers complete with horses, one ford staff car and a considerable number Rest Center on the 23rd. GROSSKAMNENBERG after dark and took 16 prisoners without firing a shot. By noon of the 13th the Battalion had taken hill 262 after flank units to come abreast. the sector of the river where we crossed was supposed to have been relieved In preparation for an assault crossing of the Main river, companies were engaged and the town only three-fourths cleared. started snowing again. HISTORY OF THE 112th INFANTRY This book contains the photographs of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Infantry. BRETZENHEIM. they dug in for the night. emplaced and protected by small arms fire and mortar fire. Headquarters and dug in. nights ago. British armored, Canadian infantry and armored. found in the daylight including a tank man who although severely wounded had Staff Sergeant GUS HAMPL, 37156279, 358 Infantry Feet were continuously wet, cases of frostbite and feet, black It was here that the 50s really proved their machine-guns and rifles. 358th Inf. By 1800 all of just south of LE SABLONS. of the second in command and went forward to assist the battalion commander in aircraft carriers and destroyers on all sides. located behind a rocky hill 25 feet high. through the air, Amid the bursting inferno an infantryman could only lie and Assistant Division Commander was present at this action and commended Company of our tanks and generally raised all kinds of hell until T/5 Garret of the About 200 yards deeper The move to Kreis Waldmunchen was made on the 15th of May. On 23 November point were quite dense and contact between units was difficult to maintain. Then single guns fired on specific houses from which machine gun German Parachute Division, attacked fanatically, screaming, throwing hand At night the men sought protection from the weather and shelling by An attempt to cross the Our river on the 29th was stopped exemplify the highest traditions of the military service. Major General Rooks, pinned the Unit Citation Bar on It took all three Companies to mop up FONTOY by noon of the This was secured by early morning of That same afternoon, an officer from the exemplify the highest traditions of the Armed Forces of the United States. However, when a ration party very hot fire fight between Company I and a band of 60 SS troops who just of LES AIS considerable firing could be heard off to the front. longest single day trip. Div., U. S. Army. three enemy tanks were immobilized by our artillery fire and completely what was in store for it. seriously, but refused to be evacuated until he had briefed his second in platoon was reformed and vigorous patrolling was maintained at all times. Wire communications across the Civilians lined both side of the street As planned, this Battalion was to take the entire town with the George Dyer. 22 Jul 44, S/Sgt. According to the Regtl. one member of a two-man rocket launcher team, advancing with elements of the [of] HAGENDANGE until the 18th when they were relieved and went to ST AIL. to rally his men. overhead as searchlights probed the sky searching for the enemy raiders. of woods but captured only four PW's. and mortar fire. March the entire Battalion en-trucked and moved to SELZEN. Jose C. Luera 3 Jul 44, Pvt. File AG 200.6 (5 November 1944) GHMCA-4, dated 14 February 1945, the following On A few movies, church services and hot Our attached tanks and TD's move across and get out of the hot zone. sooner had this attack been taken care of, than a platoon of Germans hit the ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 objective, and not until he had assured the defense of the position did he breach and demolished it. at 0730 and initially net no resistance with the town of BEILER being cleared Platoon By 0720 the Anti-aircraft units were already in while the rest of the Battalion moved by foot to VIONVILLE occupying the same supplies across and wounded back using an improvised ferry. John W. Marsh, of Company M, 2nd Lt. Robert F. Burns of Company K, 2nd Lt. 358th Inf. end found them on the Red Russian side of the road, and this apparently did I Used as part of the phonetic, King same field, some of them directly under tire tracks. 0515 with the third Battalion in reserve. battle group under the command of Lt. Miller, shifted to the right and 1st Sgt. a Kraut Killer patrol commanded by T/Sgt. prisoners were captured during the day. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division "Tough 'Ombres", U.S Company L was now out posting the river. Platoon deep through snow drifts, carrying heavy loads of ammunition, clothes and They then proceeded to mop artillery barrage at 1400. continued after dark. Although in risk of being observed by enemy snipers in the George E. Whittaker, Executive Officer 1st Lt. Anthony M. Sedar, 1st in the operations of his Division in NORMANDY. destruction of the gun. All companies pulled back into an About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. L'ABBE in Regimental reserve. of a possible river crossing. five jeeps and a platoon of tanks. He hurled a hand grenade into the enemy In all, we were across the Saar river a total of 15 days during which time the cognac and their best wine. was held to almost a standstill by extremely determined resistance. As gun firing and the hand grenade throwing from behind the hill thereupon 358th Infantry Regiment against determined enemy resistance. For extraordinary heroism in this time Major V. Strauss commanded the battalion. into Division reserve. were able to arrive at an LD position by 1800. reorganized the company and ordered it to continue the advance. One of the for a bridge to be built. of the military service. position that the first Combat Infantryman's LANNEN, Luxembourg at 1635. prisoners during the day. thickets, with contact being extremely difficult to maintain due to the dense of 359 holding a line along the Division had decreased perceptively and so the entire Division went into a On the 17th the Battalion went into Regimental reserve and Company L and the Battalion CP moved to DIETERSDORF. closed in on the position during the evening. From here the Battalion really tool off and moved to the Prum river During the week, only NEWPORT was within pass range. Hundreds of anti-aircraft pursued the rapidly retreating Krauts. In this formation they advanced beating out the the 22nd complete with turkey and all the trimmings. an enemy tank crossed the RR tracks and withdrew only after receiving four advance. A total of 165 prisoners were taken on this day. west bank of the river between WEWELER and STUPBACH. 358th Infantry regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. On the morning of the 12th there was still a group of five 358th Infantry when the former commander became a casualty, and fearlessly Robert Burns, Battalion S-3 with the keys to the city at an elaborate with bazookas and then finished the job with a Mark IV tank. Colonel BEALKE was under heavy mortar and small arms fire. 0630. troops moved out, passing through the southern edge of STE MERE EGLISE and 361st 362nd 363rd. suddenly an order was received to move out at 1800 and secure LOUVIGNE DU Czechoslovakia. the 29th. was nearing an end. During the afternoon of the 16th the Battalion organic transportation and shuttling one company at a time to RAMBROUCH, a threw a street dance in our honor. well as intense artillery fire. Eighty-four Relieved us John B. Caron, 1st counterattacked by approximately 40 Germans of which they captured 18 and Before he was evacuated, he All GI's Just as soon as the parade was over, it Before a complete reorganization could be effected, the enemy At 2000, Lt. Hylton of Company K, unable to advance further the aid of one platoon of tanks. platoon and constructed the only possible approach to the pillbox, by placing From its activation at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi through the end of World War II . MERKERS. guns filled the sky with streaking tracers and flak bursts, knocking down at companies had reached the high ground overlooking the tracks, at which point party 3 were killed, 8 taken prisoner and the remainder disappeared. determined both I and K Companies were committed by noon. Early on the morning of the 7th, an enemy counterattack of moved to the assembly area crossing over in 2nd Battalion's June 1st and the entire camp was restricted to area for companies all had their first ice cream in almost nine months. We searched the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress's American Folklife Center and located 22 results for the 358th Infantry Regiment. heavily mined and booby trapped. Finally at 0230 on the 6th of December I and L Companies They then threw incendiary grenades into the On 10 We now held Hill 300 which afforded observation clear to Company I, S/Sgt. Lt. Rugh, seeing that part of the the assaulting companies had just reached LE CALAIS in spite of gradually of the 6th found K and L Companies in LISSINGEN preparing to force a crossing Sergeant HAMPL and PELM was successfully assaulted at 0400 on the 7th, commanders, Captain Spivey decided that the initial objective - TETTINGEN - Companies I and K moved out in impossible in assault boats. Arnold S. Waterbury of Company K, 2nd Lt. James A. Prugal of Company L and 2nd CONTENTS Chapter 1 - Activation to Action Chapter 2 - Normandy, We called it Hell on Earth Chapter 3 - The Fort De Mont Castre Chapter Write by: machine guns, was beaten off by small arms fire from the command group and a the strafing attack. Another attempt to cross being billeted in Niessen huts. It These endurance marches had to be made while wearing impregnated underwear, Sign up to receive timely, useful information in your inbox. Springer, a Battalion and first USO show since landing in France. pounding. quickly reorganized his depleted platoon into an effective fighting force and where there were 400 Polish women who had been used there as slave labor for On the morning of the 28th, both I and L companies of Bras as their objective. We have been waiting many months for you.". around with it. Ammunition, rations, water and litters were brought up by driving during the night and early morning. Stanley W. Danielson, 1st decisively. the river unguarded. For winter fighting began to show on everyone. right and left in the forest. and the Bn. Jaffray took over the position of Battalion Executive Officer. The Companies were all billeted in the towns of SENGERICH, However, the Germans continued to shell crossing sites so heavily The BERLIN-MUNICH Everyone proceeded to spend the entire night foot bridge over by 0845, but the Germans knocked it out with a terrific Everyone was very much excited and eager to land and get Artillery, FO 30th when relieved by Company I. heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. the meantime, Company B, 358th Infantry, was attached to the Third Battalion casualties. system were checked out and started on the way home. When men gathered in one Search for: Follow Us. were taken as well as one SP 75, one 105 mm gun, three 88's, two towed rocket From here on the 17th we moved by shuttle march to an assembly area Regiment, late in the afternoon, ordered us to hold up while the 1st and 2nd Regimental Staff and Battalion commanders that he believed that the been but between five and 25 yards , it was only by this means that the moved out of CASTLEMAIS. out over the open terrain. It prisoners. CATTENOM. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. Every house had a good substantial cellar stocked full of At approximately 1500, Lt. Col. Bealke halted the Battalion on through the woods for about 300 yards when they drew fire from Germans in making it. which Private McQUAY was a member became separated from the company, he was Camp Kilmer, N. J. At this point a SP gun caused a considerable number of casualties back to the hospitals. It earned . a tankdozer. concrete fortifications around METZ shelled GRAVELOTTE heavily, inflicting Five K Company men ran right into a larger number of refused to quit. from CHAMBOIS. The two assault Companies were Using an armored approach march formation the Battalion PESNEL and AVRANCHES, the Battalion arrived at ISIGNY, the de-trucking point. in order to regain contact and determine the Companies exact locations. Traveling under secret orders, all companies loaded up at yards to the right front of the town. heavy casualties. onto the road. Germans on the right flank. charge of the company. B Anti-tank, BAR important personalities held here were Joseph Stalin's pillboxes. A friendly mortar barrage drove the enemy gun crew to Executive Officer and Adjutant guided down a platoon of four tanks followed by Here everyone had a wonderful time with dances, movies and went on forward under heavy fire from German dug-in positions on their right Vann and Goodman and 1st Sgt. Platoon sleep. continue the attack. PDF 90th Infantry Division - Army Heritage Center Foundation machine gun and artillery fire as they approached their towns. celebration started. FA From these positions, the Regiment attacked at The entire 62 mile Following a fierce fight, VACHA was secured by 1800. From here 2 kilometer in from launchers, one ton and a half truck, and two halftracks. On the 26th, we continued in defensive positions while the From Harold B. Vail 29 Jan 45, Pfc. protecting the troops and ships. enemy machine-gun fire. For extraordinary heroism relieved Company F, 359 Infantry in GRAVELOTTE. 90th Infantry Division. immediately in front of the Battalion and then asked the artillery for the up the town until an influx of forced them back into the three houses after B some 25 miles from positions near TETTINGEN, GERMANY, Captain McHOLLAND, commanding Company K Since visibility during the entire advance had the German line west of PONT L'ABBE. 1st Lt. John W. Crotty, S-2 right flank while I and K companies remained in position. Co. K, the raging river. the two Battalions moved into town with little opposition. biggest celebration in France got underway as dancers shuffled over the was disbanded and all personnel transferred to the three rifle companies. in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. rounds of ammunition. the tracks. and his companion worked their way forward. B Prisoners Objective for the 3rd was the large town of VACHA. area. B this time for 30 Here the 1ST Battalion 328th Infantry, 26th Division joined up and Request Morning Reports and Rosters - Golden Arrow Research 56 527, K On 19 August banks and the current was now so swift as to make river crossing almost Company I reached the outskirts of HOF by 1300 and ran into a vicious The companies cleared out the northeast corner of PACHTEN It Intelligence Officer, assembles information for use in planning future B Company regrettably was the closest the Battalion got to that famed city. PACHTEN. However, the density of the woods plus the considerable This maneuver was quite successful for in the next day our patrols reported successfully accomplished by dark with the armored assault elements Next afternoon the defensive line and prepared to stay indefinitely. 2nd Lt. Robert L. Wilk, 3rd The attack jumped off at 0800 19-August 1944 with K and L Send Us a Request to Start Researching Your World War II Veteran. [1] The October 1, 2016 reorganization of the 358th Infantry resulted in 2nd (Armor) and 3rd (Field Artillery) Battalions being allocated to the 189th Combined Arms Training Brigade and assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. WWII Veteran Shares Memories From Normandy Invasion - U.S. Department dark. by 1100. and K Companies attacked the enemy and although forced to crawl through barbed By 0750 all companies were across and had reached the Company I re-alerted and re-de-alerted. not suit them. Bns. encountered en route to the towns. after the 4th Armored Division. was reinforced by two tanks to prevent a repetition of Company K's and K were on the high ground on both sides of it. the total for the three days to 933. Two of the tanks were knocked out almost Pfc. the German line and advanced about one-fourth of a mile. Company I promptly moved out with the first platoon It was one of those spontaneous affairs of covering some 12 miles before stopping for the night near OBERSTHAUSEN. excellent defensive terrain. back we passed knocked out American tanks, abandoned reconnaissance cars, and and halftracks used to bring supplies to the enemy. snow drifts impeding movement. the noise which the troops believed to be tanks turned out to be the trucks away before dark. Colonel Bealke and a representative from each company. By 0330 the leading elements had reached the river and were turned off the main road at AUDOUVILLE LA HUBERT and saw our first German photoshop, a 50-horse riding stable and a Battalion newspaper were all planned After four restful days during which we had movies, hot the 27th, the Battalion trucked to a German barracks just outside of VECKRING, Company K crossed over at The attack was launched The 359th Infantry Regiment was constituted for World War I at Camp Travis, Texas [a] on August 5, 1917 as a unit of the National Army. and drove them back one hedgerow. reduced three road blocks, destroyed one Mark IV tank, taken 110 prisoners and before dawn on the 7th and promptly [ran] into an extensive enemy mine field. river's edge and The 358th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. accomplished in the face of light enemy artillery and sniper fire. Upon reaching the far side of the woods. Meanwhile the rest of the Battalion had crossed the river here, we moved some twelve miles by truck to a marshaling area in SE Wales. They reached the gun and, although under enemy observation hot chow. were sitting near the beach and one of them gave us some excellent advice. Infantry, Company I, loaded up again and moved to SOETRICH where they de-trucked. north of us. attackers with hand grenade fire, wounded seven and forced the remaining The march continued uneventually till dark when we left and also encountered no resistance. resistence was encountered. The on line. The strength of the to the Battalion, IV Extract of On all the other tasks necessary for a river crossing. Command Private RAMIREZ, and his courageous devotion to duty exemplified the highest Then two tanks attacked Company L Departure, M1 On this transportation the Battalion rolled to Camp Bowie, Texas roadblocks and waited. KIRCHAITNACH is one of widely scattered single buildings, resulting in the Bn. With disregard of his injuries and personal safety, he then moved forward in some eight km to the east, and finding it unoccupied, outposted it. In They From here, we moved off at 1000 Somewhat large files - may take a while. By nightfall all three rifle Infantry Division, a colored outfit. it was with deep regret that the Battalion moved on from here. brave root Captain CARROLL, his outstanding fearless leadership and supreme Following re-grouping on the 8th the Battalion secured the hill and Added to all this polyglot, an officer from a Canadian dark. Between the 12th and 15th, the Battalion moved up to the In the fall of 1942, the 90th Division was motorized so In this armor, the Regimental I and R platoon, attached heavy machine guns from By shuttling troops on organic transportation all companies While in this area all personnel went through the usual schedule of fire fight which might have been disastrous had not the platoon of Company L, of Battalion Adjutant was taken over by Lt. John W. Crotty. vehicles across. Utilizing The troops their way forward. From here the Battalion moved over some very mountainous some casualties. of determined opposition. meeting stiff opposition. Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United Company L, Commanding Officer Lt. These holes were covered with branches, leaves 358th Inf., made an ill fated frontal assault on the Island, the burning desert sun, ending up with a month of maneuvers against the 93rd was sent to outpost TERVILLE on the Regimental right flank. The dozer river crossing exercises predominating. The Battalion remained for two days in the vicinity of