She seems surprised that so many people from Blackwell wrote to her, including Daniel , Mr. Jefferson and even Victoria who wrote her a very sweet note. Although she's an adult I bet she's not "allowed" to watch "R" rated films Kate was born into a heavily Christian conservative family and is devoted to the religion. Atender a ligao far Max causar uma discusso entre Chloe e sua me, algo de que Chloe ir se queixar mais tarde, mas ela tambm poder confortar a Kate. Also, hospitals do usually have underground storm shelters, and Arcadia Bay is known to have a lot of bomb shelters.[8]. He killed Nathan since he's the one who gets framed. While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. Hi everybody! Na mesma noite, seu quarto foi selado com uma fita de isolamento. Choosing the right dialogue options to save Kate is essential, and players can have a much easier time if they made some emphatic choices at earlier points in the story. It was speculated that Kate may have bought drugs from Frank in her depressed state, as Chihuahua would be a fitting dog type for Kate and "Katie" bought a sleeping drug called green dream and a drug that causes death (both uses would be fitting for Kate in her sleepless and suicidal circumstances). Everything indicates that Nathan felt oppressed by his father and needed psychological treatment, so Jefferson appeared and offered to be his friend. " [] maybe there's a reason we pretend? Fica claro que ele est espionando Kate, tirando fotos e criando um arquivo sobre ela. Also, she had posters about advising on abstinence. Max encounters Kate Marsh in the bathroom brushing her teeth, and depending on Max's choice with David and Kate's argument, she will either scold Max for not helping, or thank her for getting between them. Personagens Femininas (Primeira Temporada), Personagens Principais (Primeira Temporada), Estudantes da Academia Blackwell (Primeira Temporada),, Instead, she can replace it with a peace sign. It is suggested in, Kate's favorite Bible quote is: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Drawings of nooses and the word "waste" adorn the page. Aps sair do dormitrio para encontrar o Warren, Max v a Kate sendo incomodada pelo David Madsen. Kate's survival and last appearance depend on Max's decision at the end of Episode 5. Kate seemed an exception, for a reason that is not explained in the game she survived the Darkroom and continued watching the Jefferson class. Provided that Kate survives the events of Episode 2, Max and Chloe will visit her in the hospital before going to the Prescott Dormitory to look for Nathan. 2015 Square Enix Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The relationship between Jefferson and Nathan has evolved into something like a relationship of a father with his son. The _ga cookie, installed by Google Analytics, calculates visitor, session and campaign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site's analytics report. As snow begins to fall over Arcadia Bay, Kate sits in her room crying. But I replayed the game to get all the photo achievements and correct that one choice. Ela tem estado muito quieta e introvertida nas ltimas semanas. I wish I could help her, but I can barely help myself. Parece um zumbi. Principal Wells sent her an email wishing her a speedy recovery. There is a note from a Psycologist, in the dark room, that notes that Nathan's father complely ignores the Psycologist. Ela pede que Max tire as fotografias que estaro no livro dela. The options for this dialogue will change depending on if Max took a photo instead of intervening in Episode 1 or not. Max can disagree, banning boys from the trip, or question Warren's involvement. Max conversa com Kate sobre o que aconteceu na festa do Clube Vortex e sobre o vdeo viral. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max uses her selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and travels back to Jefferson's class where everything started. Max comments that it's \"way too emo\", with the blinds closed, mirror covered and depressing drawing on the floor. Around the room are letters, postcards and photographs which relate to Kate's family. Taylor has sent her pretty tulips. Ao sair para encontrar a Chloe, Max fala com Dana que mostra estar com remorso, e descobre que a Victoria e a Taylor ainda esto bastante abaladas aps a tentativa de suicdio da Kate. A DONTNOD foi informada desta inconsistncia em 29 de maro de 2017. Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. Este esprito animal tambm smbolo de fertilidade, excitao, sexualidade e sorte. Depends, everytime you do something against her (Don't step in, telling Kate to wait for more proof and not answering her call) it adds another statement you have to "correctly" respond to. I did everything I could. what choice did I make that turned out killing her? On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Morte Ela ficou amiga da Max em seu primeiro ms na Blackwell e elas passaram a se encontrar regularmente para tomar ch. Her extracurricular activities include the Meals On Wheels program and a diverse religious studies group.[1]. During Mark Jeffersons class, Kate is hassled by Victoria Chases friend, Taylor Christensen, who tosses a paper ball at her. Please be sure to credit me (either this channel or my instagram: @mentallybitter)#LifeIsStrangeScenePack---------What is a scene pack? Seu comportamento fora do comum, beijando vrias pessoas e agindo loucamente, pode estar atribudo s drogas, provando a inocncia de Kate. Defender a Kate do David, encoraj-la em sua deciso inicial de denunciar o ocorrido para a polcia e atender a ligao dela mais cedo contribuem para que ela acredite nas suas intenes, mas ela ainda pode ser salva sem estas decises tomadas se voc fizer as escolhas certas no dilogo. Kate views the spread of the video as a form of punishment, one strong enough to weaken the foundations of her faith. No final do episdio, Kate vista chorando em seu quarto durante a nevasca. When Max enters the dorm, she notices that someone vandalized Kates board with a horrible comment. Kate nasceu em uma famlia crist extremamente conservadora, e muito devota sua religio. At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. Informaes Bsicas Max notes that Nathan's name is not on the card from the Blackwell students. Se a Kate morrer, ocorrer uma cerimnia para ela s 14:00 de sbado, 12 de outubro. Amarelo tambm a cor da amizade. She will text Max his room number (111) when she visits the boy's dorms later in the episode. Near the end of the second episode, Max walks into class, only to find out, that Kate is missing. A scene pack is a group of cutscenes for editors to then download and use in their own edits! Max pode confortar Kate aps a aula, dizendo que sempre estar ao seu lado quando ela precisar, e tambm pode confrontar Victoria por ter espalhado o vdeo da Kate. No wonder they call it a "web" nothing can ever get out.said to Max in "Out of Time", I don't expect you to get in trouble for me. People seem to have felt truly sorry for her, sending postcards, letters, balloons, flowers and cards to her. Informaes do Jogo Taylor mandou para Kate um buqu de lindas tulipas. Adesivo que aparece por engano na pgina sobre a Kate se ela sobreviver, devido a uma troca de nomes nos arquivos do jogo (Kate_scrapbook_alive). Max comenta que a Kate est em seu perodo. T vendo? Before the events of the Vortex Party, Kate was good friends with Alyssa Anderson and Stella Hill; something which Max was oblivious to.[6]. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Her unusual behavior of kissing people on video and acting wildly could be attributed to the drugs, proving Kate's innocence.Kate asks Max whether she should go to the police for help with her situation. Unlike similar games, Life is Strange genuinely feels like your actions directly influence the world Dontnod Studios has created.Life is Strange doesn't fall into the trap of becoming a point-and-click and gives you enough of the environment to explore without . Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. visit a website that links to Kate's video,,, Later in the diner, Kate calls Max for support, but Chloe Price tries to talk her out of it. She's really sweet and nice, even though the other students make fun of her abstinence campaign. If she succeeded in committing suicide, Max describes in her diary that Kate's expression was frightened when she began to fall from the rooftop. Adesivo visvel no perfil sobre a Kate at o Episdio 3. Na mesma noite, um pequeno santurio foi colocado na frente do quarto da Kate no dormitrio feminino, que foi selado com uma fita de isolamento. Max comments that Kate's original drawings would be perfect for a children's book; so there is the possibility that Kate had aspired to have a career in published works. If gamers have been taking notes, they'll remember that one such photo had Kate's father and sisters in it. The adults in Life is Strange are incompetent because they inspire no trust. I just feel like nobody caressaid to Max in "Out of Time". Ela fica deprimida aps um vdeo dela apresentando um comportamento sexual fora do comum, devido ter sido drogada por Nathan Prescott (ou possivelmente por Mark Jefferson), viraliza na internet. Informaes Biogrficas Antes do ocorrido na festa do clube Vortex, Kate era muito amiga de Alyssa Anderson e Stella Hill; algo que Max no sabia.[6]. She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. In the following evening, the girls dormitory had set up a small memorial in front of Kate's door, which was sealed off with barricade tape. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max found a selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and time travels back to the beginning of the game. After seeing a postcard by Victoria sent offering her help, Max can talk to Kate about Victoria's personality, speculating about either her insecurities or how bitchy she is. "I think when you're a kid, you're only afraid of the things that can hurt you. I know she's involved in a lot of religious groups, but she doesn't preach to me so I don't care. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Kate se arrepende profundamente de sua tentativa de suicdio e se sente ridcula, mas Max a reassegura que outras pessoas devem se sentir responsveis pelo que aconteceu. Suas atividades extracurriculares incluem o programa Refeies em Rodas e um diversificado grupo de estudos religiosos.[1]. colors fanart mixedmedia rain lifeisstrange myed89 art katemarsh. I got her on the first try.. The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. Para mais significados e simbolismos por trs da cor preta, veja: Informao obtida a partir de um email mandado pela Academia Blackwell para Chloe. Explore the Best Katemarshlifeisstrange Art | DeviantArt Shop Get Core Join Log In User Menu Get Core Membership Theme Display Mature Content Get Help and Send Feedback Terms of Service Privacy Policy Submit Deviation Status Update Journal Literature Commission Poll Subscription DreamUp New! Max tries to use her power to stop her, but after reaching the roof she has a headache which stops her from using her powers, and Kate hears her groan, Kate tries to drive her off as she wants to jump off. Independente do desfecho do Episdio 2, Kate no aparece diretamente neste episdio. A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. A lot of people are missing the point of the website though. If Max chooses to go to the police, Kate will be easier to deal with at the climax. I was told when EP2 first came out. On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Apelidos This is evident from the Mozart poster in her room in Episode 2. Kate tells Max that she doesnt remember or care about much of anything from earlier that morning. That's why he has all those photos of everyone else, and nobody was missing. His first kill was Chloe. Kate needs to be built up is she can be convinced to carry on. She attempts to use her power in order to reverse time, but suffers severe headaches and nosebleeds as a result. O adesivo que indica que a Kate est viva foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_dead, e o que indica que ela est morta foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_alive. Later, at the diner with Chloe Price, Max will receive a phone call from Kate, and will have to choose to either answer it or ignore it. Mensagem enviada Max por Richard Marsh. No carto de "Melhoras" enviado para a Kate, os nomes "River S." e "Rory W." esto assinados. Kate foi filmada beijando vrias pessoas e no se lembra de ter feito isso por causa das drogas. Hint's for answering this correctly are in Kates Room if you investigate everythign carefully. Marsh (me)Tia Marsh (tia)Lynn Marsh (irm)Irm no identificada, Episdio 2: Out of Time Episdio 4: Dark Room (Determinante) Episdio 5: Polarized (Determinante). Os desenhos parecem deix-la com mais esperanas para o futuro. Answering it will cause Max to miss a confrontation between Chloe and her mother, which Chloe will chide her about later, but will comfort Kate.At Blackwell Academy, a distraught Kate will be seen talking to Mr. Jefferson for help, who will dismiss her. Max has the option to clean it off. Next up is Kate marsh! Victoria Chase and a few of the other girls are constantly haunting Kate Marsh with this viral video; a video she has little-to-no memory of. Ela parece surpresa pela quantidade de pessoas da Blackwell que escreveram algo para ela, incluindo Daniel DaCosta, o Sr. Jefferson e at a Victoria escreveu um bilhete gentil para ela. O contedo da comunidade est disponvel sob. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. In Kate's hospital room in Episode 4, Max can find flowers from Taylor, which are yellow tulips. Isso evidente pelo poster de Mozart que h em seu quarto no Episdio 2. Max tem a opo de apagar o link. Black and white together also give a sense of religious "uniform" due to the habits and veils of nuns and the collar and cassocks of priests.[7]. As Kate remained unconscious most of the time, Jefferson decided to keep her alive. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Her birthday, which falls on Halloween, is just around the corner, and she hopes that this year will be a fresh start . Apesar de ser adulta, aposto que ela est "proibida" de ver filmes com classificao para maiores de 18 anos". Se Max no consegue salvar a Kate no Episdio 2, as bandeiras do lado de fora da Blackwell Academy permanecem completamente hasteadas. Appareantly, someone filmed it, and put it on the web. This is evident from David's clues which include photos and location data cross-referencing the time of Kate's abduction with both Jefferson's and Nathan's vehicles on the evening of the 4th of October. This totem is furthermore a symbol of fertility, warmth, sexuality and luck. She then says that Nathan Prescott said that he would take her to the hospital but is uncertain as to what happened afterwards. Life is Strange > General Discussions > Topic Details. Max can't use her powers to bring Kate back if she dies in Episode 2 of Life is Strange, so find out how to save her within this guide. Em sua ausncia, Max est cuidando da coelha de Kate. She started attending Blackwell Academy in September, 2013. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. As an official update by Square Enix, players can actually. As cores mais associadas Kate so o branco e o preto, que compem a maioria de suas roupas.[7]. Those who ignored the call need to be careful which option they select. She asks Max to take photos of the book for her. Max CaulfieldAlyssa AndersonStella HillWarren Graham Outside of class, David follows Kate and watches her from a distance. She seems to be involved in a lot of religious groups. With Kate gone, Max becomes the caretaker of Kate's bunny. I only made one mistake and that was to say her mother cared about her, I didn't check her laptop to find out that her mom despises her. Max can either ignore Kate or answer her call. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. provvel que Kate tenha sobrevivido tempestade no final Sacrificar Arcadia Bay, j que o hospital um prdio de concreto forte que poderia resistir a tempestade, diferente das construes de madeira que aparecem destrudas neste final. His other interests include sports, smoking meats, and podcasting. She will then ask her to bring her back her copy of the October Country and Max says that she's get it back to her. The story is intriguing and mysterious, and the colors and the atmospheres are . I'm not posting very much in these weeks, I'm in the middle of an art block ugh.I know you know the feel! If you select sisters, Max and Kate will talk about the latter's younger sibling Lynn. Odds are good that, unless players have been following a very specific guide, they can fail to save her through a combination of choices and dialogue options. Kate is a friendly, kind-hearted, shy teenage girl who doesn't like being the center of attention. Eu entenderia se sim. She looks like she's in zombie mode. Kate runs off crying, missing class. Max comenta que ele est "muito emo", com as persianas fechadas, o espelho coberto, e desenhos depressivos espalhados no cho. O Diretor Wells mandou um email para ela desejando-lhe uma rpida recuperao. Kate suggests she also brings Warren along. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. O destino de Kate e sua ltima apario dependem da escolha de Max no final do Episdio 5. During the beginning of this episode, Max can again remove the mean comments from Kate's bedroom slate. Yellow tulips stand for hope and cheerful thoughts and are a common caring get-well gift. And the writers decided to just never have a payoff for the plot point about David's relationship to Nathan. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Those who decided Kate should go straight to the police can't fail, but those who tried to collect evidence on their own first should be cautious. sorry for the spoiler but hey. When she exited the dorm, she saw Kate's body on the ground surrounded by paramedics while the police kept the crowd of students away from her body. If you get through them all she lives, goof up twice and she jumps. Suddenly, everything stops, and Max, after noticing that everything is non-motion, she goes on top of the tower. Nathan learned to like torture and dead people. Max hangs up and later Kate scolds her for not answering over text. Yellow tulips stand for hope and cheerful thoughts and are common get-well gifts. Ela mandar uma mensagem para Max com o nmero do quarto dele (111) quando Max visitar o dormitrio masculino mais tarde no mesmo episdio.
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