The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The Athens was more superior then Sparta. It is tough terrain for attackers, and its also tough terrain for the Greeks. The period of prosperity in Athens was so short lived because they only had one strong leader, Pericles. Sparta advantage. Athens offered many activities for all men, women, and children. The Athenian Democracy remains a novel and captivating analysis in direct majority rules system where the general population don 't choose delegates to vote for their sake yet vote on enactment and official bills in their own privilege. A tyrants son does not usually inherit his fathers power. How does Coyote kill the giant? Overall, ancient Athens was indeed not truly democratic as a result of the government having male citizens have authority, being an oligarchy government instead of a democratic government, and voting not accessible to women, free foreigners(Metics), and slaves except for male citizens. Person who pays rent, either in money or crops, to grow crops on another person's land. The countrys valleys, mountainous terrain, and offshore islands encouraged the development of many city-states. Ancient Greece Advantages and Disadvantages This completely contradicts the all-inclusive concept of direct democracy that the Athenian government preached so frequently. Ancient Greece is also known for many things like the birthplace of the first Olympics, beautiful architecture, and famous philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Each year 500 names were chosen from all the citizens of ancient Athens. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Tenant farmer Person who pays rent, either in money or crops, to grow crops on another person's land Metic Foreigner in a Greek city-state, often a merchant or artisan Slavery Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet Cinesiolgists study sceletons. Athens original government was a monarchy ruled by one king, however, the king's influence began to diminish with the changing times and soon Athens was under the rule of an oligarchy. In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or rule by the people. The Athenians established a direct democracy where the people voted directly on the matter at hand. (Ancient Greek Democracy, The Romans then created their own type of democracy, where the citizens elected leaders to represent the peoples opinion. (Crabill, Ancient Rome) While neither the Athenian nor the Roman democracies were perfect by any means, they both, Whats more, Democracy was rising in Athens. Underline the word or expression in parentheses that best completes each sentence. Athens strengths included its large size, large trireme navy, wealth, and democratic government. This meant that they may not have represented mass opinion, whereas getting all males over the age of 18 involved in politics increased the likelihood of policies representing what people wanted. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Aetolians settled while the Dorians divided into two forces and continued on where one force took over Messenia and the other moved into Laconia and Sparta. 5. It was the oligarchy in Sparta that put a war-like attitude as its first priority and best met the needs of Ancient Greece. By the time one enters the third grade they become aware of concept of democracy. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. In Ancient Athens, a new system arose that would greatly impact the course of history. As we know, this system is a norm to the Western world, in order to preserve personal freedom and make sure that the will of the people is upheld. What were the limitations of the ancient Greeks? The goal of a vote was not to decide which special interests could muster the most votes, it was about how to bring together the information and know-how of the citizens to solve public problems. Therefore, they could easily make decisions. Moreover, the article provided a perspective that highlighted the differences in Athenian democracy such as that Athens was a direct democracy and that only some of the population was eligible, it mainly created a feeling that Athens was advanced for its time however the system had discrepancies. Apart from many smaller changes, it was mainly based on the opportunity for all citizens over 20 to take part in governing the country. However up until 500 BCE, the concept of Democracy was a foreign concept, and the great civilizations of that era were run by monarchs, aristocrats, and religious leaders of sorts. While Athens seems to only have a democracy. What were the advantages and disadvantages of the city-state form of government? HomeBrowse. Thus, a key part of democracy is that the people have a voice. The rigidity of the Constitution makes it difficult to amend easily. 6 What is the original meaning of democracy? When you look at the literal definition of democracy in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there is a decently large explanation. The city-state of Athens, 5th century Athens to be precise, is the inventor and first practitioner of democracy. if the majority of the citizens didn't like the ideas of a single citizen they were to be banished or killed. The most important city-states of Ancient Greece was Sparta and Athens. This means they may make stupid decisions that do not benefit society. This means a lot more people got to attend political affairs. Additionally, the reliability affected by the emotive language being employed in this article as the author utilises this language it demonstrates that bias is present. The answers given may be; a society where everyone votes, or by dictionary definition a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of the state; typically through elected representation. However when analyzing the etymology of the word democracy we come to find out that demos means the people and kratia means rule or power in greek. Education was very important in Athens. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Logically enough, the English word itself is derived from older Middle French or Middle Latin equivalents. Ancient Greece was divided into many different city-state who had their different cultures, the most critical being Athens and Sparta.They adored a broad range of god and goddesses,the most imperative of whom, the Olympians, small thought to live on Mount Olympus. While both Athenian and Roman form of democracy was a major step away from autocratic rule, but they both had their drawbacks. WebAs a result the Ancient Greece developed into isolated, small, independent communities. The direct democracy of Athens wasnt actually as inclusive and steady as the statement at Pericles 's funeral state, Our Constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people (Doc C). In fact, of the 450,000 citizens of Athens in 430 BC, only about 40,000 people had the power to vote. It was possible to prolong the rule for the next term but in case of any abnormalities a quick change of government took place. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In addition, it supports the idea that the people can replace their government through peaceful transfers of power rather than violent uprising or revolution. These mountains and oceans would make Sparta would be in a condition of prosperity and comfort. Why is Greece the birthplace of democracy? Athenian democracy also had one-year term limits. So there are some representatives want to use the direct democracy like some old country such as ancient Greek. Athens is more superior than Sparta through, government, economy, and culture. By 508 BCE, Cleisthenes came to power in Athens and creates a democratic constitution of all people. As I will come to. Athenians elected government officials through lot (Document B). Tenant farmer. Advantages: small, easy to control, centralized. The five most powerful Greek city-states were; Athens, Sparta, Corinth. Web3.It made abuse of power complicated, as you could always bring a charge against an official in the peoples assembly. The Athenian democracy was not equitable, and it did not consider slaves and foreigners. Each city-state had its own way of doing things. Now a new paper deems it also the proud parent of the worlds first market economy. Democracy was rule by citizens only, excluding women, free foreigners (Metics) and slaves. How do I choose between my boyfriend and my best friend? 8 Who was not allowed to become a citizen of Greece? Athens was a superior city state over Sparta. A Monarchy is a political system ruled by one individual Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A belief in shared power: based on a suspicion of concentrated power (whether by individuals, groups or governments). Geographical formations including mountains, seas, and islands formed natural barriers between the Greek city-states and forced the Greeks to settle along the coast. WebHowever, Athens under the rule of Pericles should be considered a democracy for several reasons. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For example, here in the United states which is a democracy, everyone is allowed to vote and have land. In the 4th to 5th century B.C, Athens was going through a prosperous period and in this period its people made remarkable achievements. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Athens was a much more superior polis compared to Sparta because the Athenians invented new ideas and creations that supported the people, such as democracy, the Athenians led the Delian League, and Sparta created the Peloponnesian League after the Athenians created their alliance, and the Athenians changed the ways of their government many times to suit the people, and the Spartans did not. This basically means that if you are not wetly than they won't treat us the same as wealthy people. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Democracy | Weaknesses include the voters ability to make poor decisions and be swayed by rhetoric and short office terms that made implementing policies difficult. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Women, children, and slaves were not considered citizens and therefore could not vote. 1 What were the advantages and disadvantages of Greece? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. As stated in the article The Problem with Democracy Today, contrary to other political institutions who holds the power is not clearly stated if the regime is a, Liberal Democracy is a democratic system of government in which individual rights and freedoms are officially recognized and protected, and the exercise of political power is limited by the rule of law.
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